On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, September 24, 2010


September 20th through 26th

Hi church,

This will be the fourth Sunday of the month, so we will not be gathering for worship at Jammin' Java on Sunday morning. But does this mean we don't have big plans? It most certainly does not!

Here's the short version: on Saturday, we're going to be spending much of the day with our friends at the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia monastery in Bristow. The schedule will be something like this:

9:30 - 10:30am: Musical types gather at the silos for rehearsal / jam session
10:30 - 12:30ish: Service project (details below)
12:30 - 2:30(?): Picnic and potential swimming
2:30 (or after the picnic): Simple musical worship at the silos

Here are the details, from Sam:


The best address to use for the site is:
Linton Hall School, 9535 Linton Hall Rd, Bristow, VA 20136

Sister Pat will be on hand to help direct our parking. We can proceed up the main drive past the school, around the circle and go to the end of the dog leg side road back past the school on the far side of the athletic fields that leads to the labyrinth garden. There should be plenty of parking there for all of our vehicles.


We will be weeding and mulching a small memory garden and installing stone/gravel along a pathway and into the gazebo area. There are two stone garden benches and birdbath to place and construct as well. Sister Pat has also set aside a tree for planting that we can dig, haul and install.


Please bring these things if you have them. Don't worry if you do not. I think that there will be plenty to share.

gloves, shovel, pitchfork, wheelbarrow, tamper, garden rake, leaf rake


We can plan to picnic in the nice shady grove we used before. Sister Pat is looking into getting the pool reserved for our use as well. Please bring food, beverages, and utensils for your family and maybe a little to share. There are charcoal grills if you want to use them.

Sam spoke with Sister Pat, and reported, "She is just so thankful to have the help. (She is 72...but so sprite it is hard to believe.) The woman who has been trying to complete the memory garden was in tears of thankfulness when she heard that we were coming in to push this project over the finish line. She has been trying to do most of the work herself."

So - sounds like the perfect day to me. Please join us for all or part of it!

Mike Croghan


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


September 13th through 19th

Hi church,

Thank God for beautiful weather! :-)

And speaking of nature, there's a plan brewing for a whole bunch of us to go apple-picking at Mackintosh Fruit Farm in Berryville, VA this Saturday. The plan is to meet there at 3:30pm and it's a bit of a trip to get there, so if you want to join in, plan accordingly. Should be fun!

Next up...last Sunday morning's return of the 9:30am Club was a rousing success, with lovely music being made both before the service and during communion. So let's do it again! 9:30am at Jammin' Java; come on by if you like music: playing it, singing it, or listening to it.

And finally, our worship service for this week (10am at Java) will be entitled "I Got Nothin'" ...or... "Inspiration Stone Soup".

Here's the deal. (Warning: this "On the Table" is about to take an unusually confessional turn.) As many of you know, I've spent much of this year in varying degrees of depression. This has left me in a place where the things that previously inspired me, excited me, made me feel like my life had meaning and purpose, etc. now seem empty to me. This is true even when I'm not particularly depressed. The best I can get to lately is "comfortably numb" - actual passion, excitement, energy, creativity, etc. just aren't there for me these days. Maybe you've felt this way - maybe you feel this way right now - but I'm betting that for many of you, there are things that really get you fired up and passionate. I think it would help me a lot to hear about those things. And maybe I'm not the only one.

So: I'm asking everyone to bring one thing (it doesn't have to be a physical thing; you can just talk about it) that inspires your passion - if you've got one. And then, just tell me (and us) what's so awesome about it. It could be "spiritual" or "secular". Could be a child, or a song, or an activity, or a place, or a cause, or you can take us outside and show us your motorcycle, or whatever - I don't care. I got nothin'. What you got?

We'll finish with our communion liturgy - that'll be my contribution to the stone soup, because I've found (thank God) that it still has the power to move me, at least a little.

So that's the deal for this weekend: apples, music, and stone soup. Sounds kinda autumn-y to me.

Mike Croghan


Friday, September 10, 2010


September 7th through the 12th

Hi church!

There's actually a lot going on this lovely weekend. So let's get to it!

Tonight (Friday night)! The All New Amazing Great Book Club will gather at the home of Maggie, Schuyler, Levi, and Adah to discuss the book Blindness by Jose Saramago. Says Schuyler: "Come over after work to have some food, drinks and discussion about the book. There should be plenty of street parking, but if the street is full, there are four guest spots right in front of the main door to our building. Unfortunately, the call-up box doesn't work, so to get in you'll either have to wait for one of our nice neighbors to let you in when they get home or just call us at 202-330-2359 or 509-952-5106 and we will rush down and let you in." This book is generating strong reactions, so come on by even if you didn't read it - the rants should be entertaining.

Sunday morning! It's the return of the 9:30am Club! At 9:30am at Jammin' Java, come on by if you like music: playing it, singing it, or listening to it. We're getting the band back together again!

Then, immediately following that, at 10am SHARP (no, seriously - we mean it this time), we'll begin our congregational meeting (not a usual worship service) with prayer. Then we'll do our meeting, ending with communion. Please note: although everyone is welcome, the main part of the meeting will be pretty un-engaging for newcomers. So: you're welcome, but if you think all that bizness talk would make you feel less than welcome, please regard this weekend as another "off" weekend for CT, as far as a Sunday morning service is concerned.

And finally: Sunday afternoon! Says Moff: "There is a free interfaith walk to commemorate 9/11 on Sunday afternoon in DC. Here's the website: http://www.911unitywalk.org/. I think it's possible for several of us to make it if we chow down on the Chipotle kinda quick-like."

And that's the deal. Keep an eye on the Core List for a loose agenda for the congregational meeting. See you soon!

Mike Croghan

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010


August 30th through September 6th

Hi church,

So, if summer is over, why is it still 95 degrees out there? Riddle me that, Batman. Anyway, mustn't grumble - it'll be chilly soon enough.

But this weekend is, indeed, Labor Day weekend. It's also our church anniversary weekend - now we are nine! So let's celebrate!

First, we'll gather at The Lamb Center (the only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks in Fairfax County) on Friday evening (the 3rd) for Lamb Center Karaoke. Setup starts at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and we'll wrap up at 8pm. Come to sing, nom, or just make friends, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work!

Second, we won't be gathering at Jammin' Java on Sunday morning like we usually do. That's because we're doing this instead:

The Common Table 9th Anniversary Picnic and Labyrinth Walk
Monday, September 6th, 11:30am
Church of the Holy Comforter
543 Beulah Rd NE, Vienna, VA

We'll do a potluck picnic/barbeque: please bring picnic food and utensils for your family, plus a little to share, and there should be plenty for everyone. We'll have a grill going, so by all means bring some meat or veggies to char.

For the labyrinth walk, please feel free to bring acoustic musical instruments, if you want to: guitars, drums, shakers, other percussion (we'll have some extras) - and we'll offer the music and rhythm we make as praise to God as we walk, listen, and open our hearts.

Note that the picnic tables are on the front lawn (near the Rodman House where we've met in the past, and also near the awesome playground - kids and parents, take note!) while the labyrinth is back behind the church. We can park in the church parking lot or in the Rodman House driveway.

It'll be a great time of worship and fellowship - hope to see you there!

One last note: next Sunday (the 12th), we're planning to preempt our usual worship service in favor of a long-delayed congregational meeting. Actually, it won't be entirely un-worshipful - we're thinking of starting at 10am at Jammin' Java (we've got the space reserved), beginning with prayer, meeting, and then ending with communion. But although everyone is welcome, the main part of the meeting will be pretty un-engaging for newcomers. So: you're welcome, but if you think all that bizness talk would make you feel less than welcome, please regard next weekend as another "off" weekend for CT.

And that's it for this (so-called) end-of-summer edition of On the Table. God bless!

Mike Croghan

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