Hi church,
So, if summer is over, why is it still 95 degrees out there? Riddle me that, Batman. Anyway, mustn't grumble - it'll be chilly soon enough.
But this weekend is, indeed, Labor Day weekend. It's also our church anniversary weekend - now we are nine! So let's celebrate!
First, we'll gather at
The Lamb Center (the only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks in Fairfax County) on Friday evening (the 3rd) for Lamb Center Karaoke. Setup starts at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and we'll wrap up at 8pm. Come to sing, nom, or just make friends, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work!
Second, we won't be gathering at Jammin' Java on Sunday morning like we usually do. That's because we're doing this instead:
We'll do a potluck picnic/barbeque: please bring picnic food and utensils for your family, plus a little to share, and there should be plenty for everyone. We'll have a grill going, so by all means bring some meat or veggies to char.
For the labyrinth walk, please feel free to bring acoustic musical instruments, if you want to: guitars, drums, shakers, other percussion (we'll have some extras) - and we'll offer the music and rhythm we make as praise to God as we walk, listen, and open our hearts.
Note that the picnic tables are on the front lawn (near the Rodman House where we've met in the past, and also near the awesome playground - kids and parents, take note!) while the labyrinth is back behind the church. We can park in the church parking lot or in the Rodman House driveway.
It'll be a great time of worship and fellowship - hope to see you there!
One last note: next Sunday (the 12th), we're planning to preempt our usual worship service in favor of a long-delayed congregational meeting. Actually, it won't be entirely un-worshipful - we're thinking of starting at 10am at Jammin' Java (we've got the space reserved), beginning with prayer, meeting, and then ending with communion. But although everyone is welcome, the main part of the meeting will be pretty un-engaging for newcomers. So: you're welcome, but if you think all that bizness talk would make you feel less than welcome, please regard next weekend as another "off" weekend for CT.
And that's it for this (so-called) end-of-summer edition of On the Table. God bless!
Mike Croghan
Labels: karaoke, labyrinth, lamb center