On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, September 24, 2010


September 20th through 26th

Hi church,

This will be the fourth Sunday of the month, so we will not be gathering for worship at Jammin' Java on Sunday morning. But does this mean we don't have big plans? It most certainly does not!

Here's the short version: on Saturday, we're going to be spending much of the day with our friends at the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia monastery in Bristow. The schedule will be something like this:

9:30 - 10:30am: Musical types gather at the silos for rehearsal / jam session
10:30 - 12:30ish: Service project (details below)
12:30 - 2:30(?): Picnic and potential swimming
2:30 (or after the picnic): Simple musical worship at the silos

Here are the details, from Sam:


The best address to use for the site is:
Linton Hall School, 9535 Linton Hall Rd, Bristow, VA 20136

Sister Pat will be on hand to help direct our parking. We can proceed up the main drive past the school, around the circle and go to the end of the dog leg side road back past the school on the far side of the athletic fields that leads to the labyrinth garden. There should be plenty of parking there for all of our vehicles.


We will be weeding and mulching a small memory garden and installing stone/gravel along a pathway and into the gazebo area. There are two stone garden benches and birdbath to place and construct as well. Sister Pat has also set aside a tree for planting that we can dig, haul and install.


Please bring these things if you have them. Don't worry if you do not. I think that there will be plenty to share.

gloves, shovel, pitchfork, wheelbarrow, tamper, garden rake, leaf rake


We can plan to picnic in the nice shady grove we used before. Sister Pat is looking into getting the pool reserved for our use as well. Please bring food, beverages, and utensils for your family and maybe a little to share. There are charcoal grills if you want to use them.

Sam spoke with Sister Pat, and reported, "She is just so thankful to have the help. (She is 72...but so sprite it is hard to believe.) The woman who has been trying to complete the memory garden was in tears of thankfulness when she heard that we were coming in to push this project over the finish line. She has been trying to do most of the work herself."

So - sounds like the perfect day to me. Please join us for all or part of it!

Mike Croghan


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