On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, January 26, 2012


January 23rd through 29th

Hey folks,

This week is another "off week" for us - it's the 5th Sunday of the month, so we won't be gathering at Jammin' Java this weekend. (Actually, it could hardly be called an off week, filled as it was with cosmically wondrous MFA exhibitions, utter GRE dominations, and NEW BABY(!!!), among other tremendous events. But the fact remains: we aren't gathering for worship on Sunday.) And we don't have a service-worship project planned for this weekend either - though we did rake a few leaves earlier in the month.

So if you have any ideas for something fun and/or world-changing to do this weekend, please let us know.

There is a very cool conference called Mission Possible 2012 happening on Saturday. It's about getting young people excited about working on behalf of God's dream of social justice for all, so if you're a young person, or you work with young people, you might want to check it out.

You might also start getting excited about upcoming Sundays, including a RadioLab/Midrash service next Sunday (February 5th) examining "turn the other cheek", and an All-Ages service in two weeks, when we get to sit back and let the kids lead!

And that's about it for this week. God bless!

Mike Croghan

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