This week will be a discussion based service based on the pros/cons of quitting, how quitting and failure should (or should not) be related, and the deeply ingrained protestant ethic that I grew up in and will be sharing my perspective from. Discussion points will be prompted by a mash-up of some of my deeply ingrained protestant perceptions of quitting and failure juxtaposed against a short clip of “The Upside of Quitting” from Stephen Dubner’s Freakonomics podcast. It will be an epic show-down between stubborn tenacity and perseverance against all odds against a “pro quitting” perspective. How do we resolve the Biblical exhortations to put our shoulders to the plow versus a different spin seemingly offered by Jesus? Does our resolve in some areas of our life fall under steadfastness or self defeating stubbornness? Are we persevering or are we guilty of the “sunk cost” fallacy? Nothing ever comes easy right? How do we know if we are taking the easy road versus choosing to stop beating our head against the wall!If you have ever felt stuck, frustrated, or reflect back on “failures” in your life in ways that feel very self defeating, then this is a service for you!! Oh, and a little hint up front, there is NO easy way to resolve these tensions, but it should be fun unpacking them corporately! We will have plenty of time to share and reflect on what I hope will be a lively discussion!-KenSimmer on that, friend, and bring your good thoughts to Jammin' Java this Sunday morning at 10am. Or if you're feeling sleepy, just join us at Chipotle for Second Eucharist at about noon. We promise not to call you a 'quitter'.Cheers,Mike Stavlund
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