On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, August 19, 2011


On the Table August 15-21

This week, we will gather at Jammin' Java to sing together some of the greatest hymns of all times. Our gifted musicians and vocalists will help lead us as you suggest the songs we will sing and play together. Many of us have memories or meaningful experiences or stories attached with singing hymns, so be thinking about what story you might like to share.

If you were considering joining us on our church retreat at Shrine Mont over Labor Day weekend (come on, you know you want to!), the deadline to let us know is this Sunday (in two days).

Looking ahead, next Sunday (August 28th) is our final Sunday of the month and we will not be meeting at Jammin' Java. We have several service worship projects that we are looking to complete. Stay tuned for more information!

Our next Congregational Meeting will take place on Saturday, September 24. Put it on your calendar. We'll have a pot luck lunch together after the meeting. Child care will be provided.

Hope to see you Sunday!

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