Dear church,
It's my distinct pleasure to invite you to join us for the baptisms/dedications of the following beautiful children of God:
Charles Carver Anderson
Chapel Rose Andrus
Nyah Grace Bulanow
Miriam Linnea Stavlund
Our service of welcome, community commitment, and thanksgiving will take place on Sunday, the 8th of May, 2011, at
Jammin' Java, at 10:00 in the morning.* Please join us as we welcome Charlie, Chapel, Nyah, and Mira into the family!
*Let's chat for a moment, if we may, about this phrase "10:00 in the morning". We all know what this means, and most of us also know what it usually means to us, at Common Table. We know that these are two very different things. But this Sunday, we really, really need for 10:00am to be 10:00am. Which means that we need y'all to get to church early this week - and early means before 10 o'clock. We're going to have a lot of guests. Guests don't know we start late. And since it's new surroundings, they will leave extra slack time and get there early so they don't walk in on us. We would prefer that our guests not be the first ones at JJ; we need to be there early to welcome and connect with them. OK, 'nuff said. Right? Right.
And one more joyous thing (which actually happens before the bigger joyous thing): This Friday, May 6th, we'll
gather at The Lamb Center (the only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks in Fairfax County) for Lamb Center Karaoke. Setup starts at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and we'll wrap up at 8pm. Come to sing, nom, or just make friends, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work!
And that's it for this week, I think. May you be blessed with joy and new life in this continuing Easter season!
Mike Croghan