On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


May 16th through 29th (the last TWO weeks in MAY)

Hi church,

So here's the deal: our practice, for the last few years, has been to (usually) meet for worship at Jammin' Java the first three Sundays of every month. The fourth (and possibly fifth) Sundays are reserved for outward- or inward-directed service projects (aka service-worship and barn-raisings), fellowship (that is, parties!), and/or, like, y'know, Sabbath time.

This month, May 2011, turns out to be a five-Sunday month, which means that we won't be gathering for worship at JJ on the 22nd, nor on the 29th. Also, I don't think there are official plans, at this point, for service-worship, barn raisings, or fellowship opportunities. If there are any, we'll update you in this space. (And if you're on the Core List, you'll probably find out even sooner. If you're not on the Core List and you want to join, contact us for an invite.)

So in any event, please find some time over these next two weeks to enjoy this beautiful spring weather with people you love. (And if you have ideas you want to share, contact us and let us know!) We'll see you back at Java on June 5th - and before that, at the Lamb Center, for karaoke on Friday June 3rd.

Mike Croghan

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