On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, April 7, 2011


April 4th through 10th

Hi church,

As we continue our Lenten journey this week, we have a few chances to get together:

- Our Midweek Group will meet at 7pm this (Thursday) evening at Vince and Suzy's, and we'll continue discussing the book What Every Church Member Should Know About Poverty (we're on chapter 5). I mention this not so much because I think you'll decide on such short notice to join us tonight, but more to remind you that we have a Midweek Group and that you're welcome to join us any time you want. We usually meet on Thursday evenings, but venue and topic are subject to change. In any event, contact us if you need directions to Vinny and Suzy's or want to get in the loop on Midweek stuff.

- Please join us on Sunday morning at 10am at Jammin' Java for our next Lenten service, in which we'll take an approach derived from the geniuses behind the NPR series called Radiolab (or possibly from the geniuses behind the faith tradition called Rabbinic Judaism) to examine a story from this week's lectionary readings: John 11:1-45, the death and raising of Lazarus. We'll look at this story from a variety of perspectives, from the theological to the sociological to the biological to the artistic - and your perspective, whatever it might be, is most welcome in the conversation - in any medium, from words to art to music to video. So please join us!

- After worship, we should be gathering at someone's house for a simple Lenten meal this week. Please keep an eye on the Core List email group for details on that, or contact us if you want to join us for lunch but aren't on the Core List.

I think it's really spring now. Lots of blossoms to be thankful for. :-) God bless!

Mike Croghan

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