On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, December 16, 2010


December 13- 26

As I write, our first significant snow fall here in the NOVA area is floating down, coating the drab colors of winter in a beautiful white blanket. Of course this peaceful scene often wreaks havoc with people's work schedules with commutes interrupted, shortened school days, and snow to be shoveled (never mind the bitter cold). Whatever your reaction - whether it is of glee or of scorn - the snow still falls and our lives are interrupted once again.

We continue to wait, in this season of advent, for Christmas day to arrive, celebrating the birth of Christ into our world, interrupting the cycle of sin and death and destruction and bringing hope, joy, peace and redemption.

Come, Lord Jesus.

In the meantime, we look for ways to reach out to others and pass on that hope and love and joy and peace that is to characterize our walks of life. This week, we won't be gathering at Jammin' Java; rather, on Saturday, December 18th, we will be helping run the Hospitality Room from 10:30 - 1 pm for Reston Interfaith, as 800 families come and collect gifts for their children. While they wait, we will guide them in some Christmas craft making, share treats with them, and love on them as they wait for their gifts. Email the Kid's Team (CTkids@googlegroups.com) if you would like more details!

On Sunday, December 19th, we will gather together from 4 - 8 pm to enjoy our long standing tradition of our church Christmas party at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. Don't forget to sign up to bring some treats as we enjoy good-natured competition in our Chili cook off, gingerbread house decorating, and Christmas karaoke.

The following week, we will not be gathering at Jammin' Java, but will take time to be with families and friends. Maybe you will want to check out some of the beautiful Christmas eve or Christmas services at other churches in the area.

May you find ways in your plain old every day lives to be peace, hope, and love to others as we wait for our world to be redeemed and as we long to take part in that redemption together.


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