On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, October 1, 2010


September 27th through October 3rd

Greetings all!

Well, it feels like maybe Fall is finally here (knocks on imitation wood grain), which is good, because 95+F degree heat in September is bad, but in October it would just be STUPID.

Speaking of global warming, it's only 9 days until 10-10-10, which means only 9 days until 350.org's Global Work Day. As of right now, there are 5593 events registered in 183 countries, and quite a few in the DC/Northern Virginia area. Regardless of your political affiliation or personal stance on global warming, these events tend to be targeted at care of shared spaces and are a great way to get to know folks in your community. Please consider signing up!

And speaking of big, unpleasant things about which it is easy to get depressed, our gathering (on Sunday at 10am at Jammin' Java) will focus on this week's lectionary readings (from the Revised Common Lectionary, in case anyone was feeling a sudden panic that we may have become Captive to Rome), starting with chipper sentiments of Psalm 137. Come ready to listen, engage, and react (and if you want to read ahead, we're using the Habakkuk passage for the second reading, because it's just fun to say "Habakkuk". Seriously. Try it.).

Afterwards we will adjourn to Chipotle as per usual, where everyone will get a 10% discount for saying "Habakkuk" to the person at the checkout (not really, but we wish that were true).

Hope to see you this Sunday!


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