On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, October 7, 2010


October 4th through 10th

Hi church,

So they say this weekend is going to be full of that Awesome Sauce species of perfect fall weather. I think we'd better enjoy it.

To that end, a bunch of us are planning a trip to the Maryland Renaissance Festival on Saturday. It's about an hour away in eastern MD, and it's not so cheap ($18 for adults, $8 for 7-15-year-olds). But there will be feasting and revelry, so if you want to join us, shoot me an email. Huzzah!

Then, on Sunday morning, please join us for our worship service at 10am at Jammin' Java, as we engage with the readings from this week's Revised Common Lectionary. As was the case last week, the psalm (Psalm 66) is rather challenging, and there are a number of hard questions presented by these readings. So come help us dig in, and we'll see what we find. Also, The Mighty Craig has rebooted our tradition of 9:30am Club worship music before the service - so if you feel moved to join us at 9:30 and help make (or just enjoy) the joyful noise, you are most welcome.

And that's all I got - but, like I said, let's get out there and enjoy the gifts of this potentially perfect (weather-wise, anyway) weekend.

Mike Croghan

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