On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Sunday, August 8, 2010


August 9 through 15

Wow, what a great weekend just passed us by... the weather cooled off for the nuptials of Jen and Israel, and what a gorgeous ceremony it was as many Common Tablers collaborated to put it together. Well done, everyone! And all our best to Jen and Israel as they begin married life together.

This coming Sunday, I'm excited to share something that I've been stewing on for a couple of years now. It's a highly acclaimed album by a relatively new artist, Son Lux. In 2008, he released At War With Walls and Mazes, and it blew minds all over the world. Not least because lyrically, it consists of meditative chants on many of the words of Jesus. So come on out for my exploration "Back to the Garden: The Theological Vision of Son Lux."

And, for extra credit, buy the album and immerse yourself in it (and come prepared to share your insights, too!). You can thank me later.

Hope to see you at Jammin' Java this Sunday at 10am.

Mike Stavlund


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