This week the big news is that we wait with anticipation for the newest Common Table member to be added -- Baby girl Stav is due to arrive on the 31st of August, if not sooner. She joins many other fine CT women who celebrate August birthdays ;-). We have a meal schedule set up to give the Stavs some love during the busy time around welcoming a newborn. See Jackie if you are interested in providing a meal for them.
Breaking from our usual routine, we WILL be at Jammin' Java this weekend. Pete and I (Jackie) will lead a discussion looking at how we form (and how to form) nurturing spiritual environments. Drawing on clips from a Speaking of Faith interview with
Rabbi Sandy Sasso on the
Spirituality of Parenting, we will discuss what makes (what the are conditions for) a spiritually nurturing environment as well as how we (can) intentionally create those in church, home and elsewhere. Along the way, may also touch on what constitutes "success" in our spiritual journey (the right answers?), the role of story, and the importance of not missing those "teachable moments". We hope you can join us.
Stay tuned to hear what we have in store over the Labor Day weekend (weekend of September 4-6) which is the anniversary of Common Table!
That's it for now!
Hope to see you Sunday,
Many apologies for the lateness of this email... it's summer fair time, and the
Prince William County Fair has claimed the minds and weekends of several among our ranks at Common Table.
Just a quick reminder that we are NOT meeting this weekend. This is the fourth weekend of the month, so we are following our usual protocol and urging folks to take the time they would have spent at Jammin Java to serve others this week.
However, in a rare *departure* from our usual schedule, we WILL be meeting next week --Sunday, August 29th at 10am-- at
Jammin Java. This is a makeup date due to our not meeting on August 8th in honor of
Jen and Israel's nuptials. Next week's topic is TBA.
Enjoy the weekend, ya'll.
Wow, what a great weekend just passed us by... the weather cooled off for the nuptials of Jen and Israel, and what a gorgeous ceremony it was as many Common Tablers collaborated to put it together. Well done, everyone! And all our best to Jen and Israel as they begin married life together.
This coming Sunday, I'm excited to share something that I've been stewing on for a couple of years now. It's a
highly acclaimed album by a relatively new artist,
Son Lux. In 2008, he released
At War With Walls and Mazes, and it
blew minds all over the world. Not least because lyrically, it consists of meditative chants on many of the words of Jesus. So come on out for my exploration "Back to the Garden: The Theological Vision of Son Lux."
And, for extra credit,
buy the album and immerse yourself in it (and come prepared to share your insights, too!). You can thank me later.
Mike Stavlund
Labels: music
Hi church,
Well, I think we all know the BIG news this week:
Jen and Israel are getting hitched!!!
It's been a long time coming, and I think it's fair to say we're all pretty freakin' excited and ready for a blessed celebration!
So in light of the big event, we won't be gathering at Jammin' Java on Sunday morning.
We will, however, be gathering at
The Lamb Center (the only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks in Fairfax County) on Friday evening (the 6th) for Lamb Center Karaoke. Setup starts at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and we'll wrap up at 8pm. Come to sing, nom, or just make friends, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work!
And that's it for this week. (Good gosh, it's enough, I guess!)
God's peace, all!
Mike Croghan
Labels: karaoke, lamb center, wedding