On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


April 26th through May 2nd

UPDATE: There's no plan for tomorrow (Sunday), folks. To be honest, we're pooped! :-) The good news is that if you were around for the worship/music segments of TransFORM or the closing liturgy, you at least got a taste of Common Table. If you want to hang out tomorrow, email us at connect (at) commontable.org and we'll try to get together!


Hi church,

Well, there's just one big thing coming up this week. It's: The TransFORM East Coast Gathering! The main conference is Friday and Saturday at Wesley Seminary in DC. It's about forming and nurturing missional communities, it's free, and it's being planned, organized, and populated by a number of Common Table folks, plus an amazing array of friends - both local and from far-flung places. You are more than welcome to attend - just RSVP and show up! It's free - it's awesome - don't miss it.

Then there's Sunday. We will not be at Jammin' Java this Sunday, because our hosts there have booked a private event. We anticipate that friends from the conference might want to hang out on Sunday. We don't know how many, or how that's going to shape up, so we're going to play it by ear. Among the options:

Our friends at Church in Bethesda are having a Sunday morning service at 11am. We might encourage folks (Commoners and conference attendees who want to get together) to attend that service and hang out afterward.

Or, we might decide to hang out elsewhere. We'll update this space if and when there's a plan.

And that's the story for this week. May our time together be blessed!

Mike Croghan


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