On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, April 22, 2010


April 19 through 25

Dear Church,

As Eastertide continues, we're pleased to have Amy Moffitt lead us in an exploration of our risen Lord. Here's her invitation:
"Who do you say I am?" It's a totally different question now, 2000 years after Jesus asked His followers. Images of Jesus represent a brand... the Christian logo, customized to suit the tastes of the consumer. There's the Catholic Jesus, the Precious Moments Jesus, the African-American Jesus, Jesus come in judgement to kick your sinning ass, Jesus come in love to hug you and tell you everything's alright...
But who do YOU say He is? Because the truth is that not every Christian knows what they think of Jesus. You don't have to, right? You can participate in the rituals and follow the rules without ever answering this question.
This week we'll look at the many faces of Jesus through the Lectio Divina format, meditating on scriptures that portray different images of Jesus. If you have any images of Christ-- wether art, poetry, a book, some other sort of memento-- in your home, please bring them, especially if they are meaningful to you.
Sounds great, doesn't it? I hope to see you this Sunday at 10am at Jammin' Java as we experience it together.

We'd also like to remind you of the epic conference that's happening at the end of the month in DC. A bunch of us will be participating in the TransFORM East Coast Gathering from April 30th-May 2nd at Wesley Seminary. It's about forming and nurturing missional communities, and it's free! So consider joining us for that, too.

Mike Stavlund

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