On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Monday, January 4, 2010


January 4th through 10th

Hi church!

Happy New Year! If you missed our rockin' Sesame Street Karaoke New Year's Eve Party, you can check out some mementos here. If you didn't miss it, thanks for making it rawk! :-)

For this week, several items:

The Mid-Week Gathering will be getting together to pray and to continue our apocalyptic discussions on Thursday evening at the House of Gamma. If you want to get in on the fun, feel free to join the mid-week group!

The Next Steps Team will meet on Saturday morning to try to harmonize the input from each and every person who cares about Common Table regarding the Next Big Thing we're going to do together as a community. Which means that if you care about CT, please contact Liz, Amy, Jackie, Erin, Mike or Mike this week to tell us your BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal) for the Table. (And chances are one of us will be contacting you very soon!)

Finally, join us at 10am at Jammin' Java for our regular worship service, which will be a simple, contemplative time of silence and chanting in the tradition of the Taize community - similar to our Taize gathering in November.

That's all I got. May 2010 be a year of blessings for all of us!

Mike Croghan

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