On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Saturday, January 30, 2010


January 25th through 31st - UPDATED!

SNOW UPDATE: Jon White Balderdash / Martini Contest postponed!

This is why we have so many parties: 'cause they keep getting snowed out! The update from our host:

So given this weather report: http://tiny.cc/JonWhiteSnow of mounting snow on the unsalted roads of Herndon and weather dropping into the teens tonight - I didn't want to see anyone trying to push their car out of a ditch clad in a feather boa. So we're calling off the event for tonight.

This gives everyone extra time to perfect their Martini recipe. We're considering either Feb 20th, or Mar 6th as a make up day. Let me [P3T3] know what works best.

Tomorrow night's gathering with Mark Scandrette (see below) is still on! Original post follows:


Hey church,

Guess what? It's party time again 'round the Table! We seem to be having a lot of parties lately, you say? Why, yes, this is true. Are you insinuating something? Let me ask you something, then. Have you read the Gospels? Hmm? Well, then you're aware that Jesus partied pretty much all the time. Uh-huh. And people gave him a hard time about it too. Thus do we share in the trials of our Lord.

ANYway...we won't be gathering at Jammin' Java for a worship service this Sunday. Instead, two parties. Here's the scoop on Party #1 from your host, P3T3:

Jon White Inaugural Balderdash and Martini Contest

If you were part of the Jon White Pictionary Event last year, you will have some idea of what this year's event is going to be like. [And if you weren't there,click through to the slide show and you'll get a taste!] I'm not saying Michaele and Tareq Salahi will crash this party - just that they would like to.

Where: Pete and Jackie's (12644 Stoa Ct, Herndon, VA 20170)

When: Saturday, January 30, 7:30PM
Bring: Ingredients you believe should be included in the Perfect Martini.

Men - Black tie / International Man of Mystery
Women - Whatever goes with that

Balderdash and cards will be available.
Party #2 will be a rare chance to hang out with Mark Scandrette, a friend who lives with his family in San Francisco and is an author (Soul Graffiti), poet, and innovative church practitioner (ReIMAGINE). We'll meet at 7pm on Sunday at Ireland's Four Courts near the Courthouse Metro stop in Arlington (there's usually plenteous street parking on Veitch St.) to tip a few pints and dream together.

And there you have it! Next week, we'll be back to Java and our more typical schedule.

Mike Croghan


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