On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, November 12, 2009


November 9 through 15

It's been almost a week, and I'm still humming two tunes from last Friday's Lamb Center Karaoke. One is that classic tune from Creed, "Ca-aan Yoou Take Meigh High-yuh", which is a serious earworm by any measure, simultaneously catchy and irritating for it's cheesy lyrics. But the other was the Dolly Parton/ Whitney Houston song "I Will Always Love You," which was sung with such precision and devotion that I was completely undone. Wow, I love me some Lamb Center Karaoke. Thanks to Mike Croghan and many others who led that event for this past season.

This Sunday, in yet another example of rampant collaboration and courageous participation, one of our newish members is leading out. Join us at Jammin' Java at 10am this Sunday as the recent star of our virtual, unauthorized theology pub and all around great guy Craig leads us in a consideration of the many facets of Jesus. We'll look at the ways Jesus is understood by various religious groups, the ways in we have perceived him, and how all of this sells the real Jesus short. It promises to be an informative, enjoyable, and fun engagement with Jesus and one another.

And don't forget that the 9:30 (a.m.) Club, a open-source blend of musical and other worship, will be meeting at (wait for it...) 9:30am that day. Come on out to play, or participate, or just enjoy the environment.

Hope to see you there,
Mike Stavlund

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