On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


October 26th through November 1st

Hey church,

In case you're hanging on the results from last week's edition, Jon finished his first ever marathon with a most righteously impressive time: 3:33. Jon makes us all want to be him! Except, without the "running for 26 miles without stopping" part. Most of us don't want to do that. ;-)

In other news, the ever-inquisitive Vince asked Amy, Mike and me if we could do a Sunday-morning recap of our time at the Christianity21 conference a few weeks ago. And we said, "No way, Vince. Nobody wants to sit through our travelogue." But then Dee saved the day, suggesting a service inspired by our time in Minneapolis, which all three of us felt changed by. So we're working on CT21: three 21st-century attempted-Jesus-followers will be given 21 minutes each to try to convey to y'all how this conference messed us up. Join us at 10am Sunday morning at Jammin' Java!

And that's the news from Lake Wobegon. Oh, wait, sorry. (Minnesota on the brain.) That's the news from Common Table. Where all the women are tough as nails, all the men are HAWT, and all the children are so far above average that we're readying a plan to turn the governance of the church over to them. Stay tuned for that.

Mike Croghan

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