On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, June 12, 2009


June 8 through 14

Good things are bubbling up all over Common Table, and it's really nice to see.

We're pleased to announce that this week begins an open experiment with worship music that will take place before our regular meeting-- from 9:30 to 10am. It's a chance for anyone who wants to join in to lead some music, or anyone who wants to enjoy some music to gather and spend some time focused on God. Bring an instrument, or some words, or your voice, or a harried soul that's looking for some refuge. Many thanks to the folks who have taken the initiative to make this happen!

Once we're warmed up, our Creative Team will be leading us in a consideration of-- and hopefully an experience of!-- 'the presence of the Lord'. Through a variety of practices, we'll be trying to tune our various ears in to God's Holy Spirit during this season of Pentecost. So bring the eyes and ears of your heart to Jammin' Java at 10am this Sunday morning. Can't wait to see you!

Mike Stavlund

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