On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


June 1st through 7th

Hey church,

So did anybody else have one of those "rushing-wind-and-tongues-of-fire and speaking-in-tongues-till-people-think-you're-drunk" days on Sunday? No? Just me?

(Well, it was kind of like that. People seem to think that just because I'm an Irish Anglican, it's perfectly plausible that I'd be drunk at 9am. Apparently Galileans have to deal with the same sort of prejudice. 'Srude, if you ask me.)

But seriously, it seems like I have been blessed with some extra opportunities to see the Spirit at work since this season of Pentecost began. And I can let you in on a couple more!

This Thursday, from 6:30 - 8pm, we'll be at the Lamb Center again, among friends and neighbors in a wide range of economic circumstance. We'll be singing Karaoke, cheering each other on, and generally sharing God's love. And pizza. It'll be awesome!

Then, on Sunday (10am at Jammin' Java), we'll gather for our first official worship service of Pentecost. It'll be a Simple service in which we'll invite the inspiration of the Spirit and claim our creative identity as children of the Creator God. So please bring whatever might help you respond to inspiration: eg., if you're a musician, bring your guitar or doumbek. If you're a poet, writer, visual artist, or sculptor, we'll probably have you covered. If you don't think you're creative at all, then remember that you're made in the image of the Creator, and come see what happens!

And that's all I got for you. Remember that the Holy Spirit blows where she will. Stay alert.

Mike Croghan

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