Hey church,
Thus week, we have several happenings that combine joy, fellowship, and praise in new(ish) ways. So here they are:
First, this Friday is the third Friday of the month, which means we can join Pastor Pat and our friends from
New Hope Fellowship for Movie Night at the
Lamb Center. This is the cinematic counterpart to our Karaoke Nights, which means fun, fellowship, and the presence of the Spirit right smack in the middle of a diverse crew of God's people. You can arrive at 6 to help set up, at 6:30 to join in singing, or at 7 to watch the movie and share pizza. Don't miss it!
Second, this is week two of our open experiment with worship music before our regular Sunday morning service, from 9:30 to 10am at
Jammin' Java. Whether you're interested in leading, playing/singing, or just enjoying some praise-filled music, this time is open, and yours to enjoy. Bring an instrument (unplugged or BYOA[mp]), bring your voice (spoken word is great too), or bring a friend!
And finally, at 10am at JJ, please stay for our Music Team's latest genius idea. This will be another worship service honor of this extended Season of Pentecost that we sort of made up. (But gosh, there's plenty of Ordinary Time between Pentecost and Advent - why not spend a little of it in an ongoing, wild celebration of the gifts of the Spirit??)
Please join us for the No English Service. That's right: after the explanatory introduction (which is NOT TO BE MISSED and will happen very shortly after 10am - you've been warned!), none of us will be allowed to communicate with each other using our native language. But fear not! We will be communicating our little hearts out - with each other, and with God. But we'll use drums, and rhythm. Strums of guitar, or tinkling keys. Dance, or sign language, or Italian-style wild hand motions. Spanish, or Swahili. Hugs, or tears. It's up to us, and really it's about openness, and listening. Let's see how the Spirit moves us.
(Also, we'll be using the floor for this service, All-Ages-Service-style, so please bring a blanket and/or cushion to sit on, or to share. Sitting on chairs or standing/walking/dancing will be fine too!)
And that's it! May the Holy Spirit fill us all with wonder, joy, passion, and a restless call to action this Pentecost Season (which we kinda made up).
Mike Croghan
Labels: music, Pentecost