Hey, Church--
Granted, August snuck up on us. And yes, Target is stocking school clothes and safety scissors aplenty. But Summer isn't over yet! We've got a few chances to squeeze a little more pleasure out of the season.
Karaoke is back, baby! Join our
Lamb Center friends at 6:30 this Thursday for pizza, soft drinks, friendship, and klinky midi files set to random landscape backgrounds. It's a great time to laugh and connect and see God at work.
This Sunday, Amy and Pete and I will be doing our best to put the Psalms back to music, as we explore this ancient hymnal in our next installment of the Summer Psalm Series. Bring your singing voice, and a toe to tap, and maybe even a little passion, if you've got it. 10am, at
Jammin' Java.
Next weekend, a bunch of CT folks will be driving on curvy roads two hours west to the cool mountains of West Virginia for several days of camping at
Trout Pond. Several of us went last year and enjoyed two lakes, several hiking trails, and real bathrooms and hot showers, along with campfires and quiet and stars and coffee and food and all of the other pleasures that go along with camping. If you can make it any time between Thursday evening and Sunday, let us know so that we can save a spot for you.
Those of us who will be missing the camping trip have yet to decide if we'll muster around a more conventional worship service at Jammin' Java, or if we'll follow the leisurely example of the campers and plan to spend Sunday morning gathered around a swimming pool or some other venue of relaxation. Either way, we'll have an update and directions in this space next week.
Hope to see you soon,
Mike Stavlund
Labels: camping, karaoke, lamb center, Psalms