On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, August 28, 2008


August 24th through September 1st

Hey church,

This weekend is Labor Day weekend, and it's also the last weekend of the month - the weekend that we typically don't gather for a worship service at Jammin' Java, but instead gather to help some friends - we call this "service-worship" or (following the Amish) a "barn raising".

This weekend will be no exception: No gathering at Jammin' Java, but we'll be lending a hand to the mighty mighty Chapmans (Becky, Ryan, Sophie, and Grant) who just bought a house (yeah!) to clean out their old condo (in Centreville) for renting and to move into their new place (in Chantilly)! There will be opportunities to help all (long) weekend long, from moving their stuff, to cleaning out their old place, to cleaning their new place, to taming the jungle in their new back yard. There are dozens of ways to help, so if you'd like to help, please contact us and we'll hook you up.

And that's it for next week, though next week includes a return to Karaoke at the Lamb Center (6:30pm Thursday) and a return to our series of worship services on the Psalms at Jammin' Java (10am Sunday). Please join us for any or all of these gatherings.

May these waning days of summer be warm and blessed!

Mike Croghan

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