On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


August 11th through 17th

Hi church,

So this weekend's going to be an atypical one for us. (I think the last "typical" one was some time in late 2005, so hopefully this will not throw you off too much.)

First and foremost: we will NOT be gathering for worship at Jammin' Java this Sunday. If you go there anyway, please say hi to the staff, buy a tasty beverage, and sit down, relax, and enjoy it. Maybe pray a bit if you're so moved. If more than one person does this, then you've made the first sentence of this paragraph false. But in a good way. :-)

The "official" Common Table options for this weekend are twofold:

1) The third (?) annual Common Table Camping Trip will be hangin' from the trees Thursday the 14th through Sunday the 17th at Trout Pond Recreation Area in West Virginia - only about two hours from NoVA. Here are directions (scroll down to "Trout Pond"), and your best bet for finding us when you get there (where cell phones do not work) will be to look for the Croghan/Driskell station wagon (a blue Saturn with way too many bumper stickers). They have swimming and boating and hiking, it's a beautiful place amidst God's creation, and we'll just be having more fun than would be legal to have in suburbia. So come join us!

2) The other option will be a relaxed time of worship and fellowship at the Stavlunds' place, by the pool! Come at 10am Sunday for coffee, when Liz will lead us in a short look at a Psalm, and we'll do some swimming and lounging and then we'll grill up some food for lunch. Bring something to share, and something for the grill (there is a large refrigerator available, and the Stavs will provide beverages). Come to 3254 Valley Lane, Falls Church, VA 22044, and feel free to park in the driveway. Don't forget your bathing suit and towel. In case of inclement weather, we'll gather under the roof and watch it rain. In any event, we'll be having precisely as much fun as is legal in suburbia. :-)

Down the road, mark these dates: we will be gathering at Jammin' Java on the 4th Sunday in August (the 24th) for another in our current series on the Psalms, and our GNU Team will be leading us in a Service-worship project on the 5th Sunday, the 31st - but that's also Labor Day weekend and our church anniversary weekend, so keep your eye out for an announcement regarding our anniversary labyrinth service and celebration.

And that's it, I think. Hope you can join us for some relaxed enjoyment of God's gifts in creation and in one another this weekend!

Mike Croghan

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