On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


July 28th through August 3rd

Hi church,

We have a trio of events on the table this week, spanning the gamut from high-spirited revival to nuts-and-bolts practicality to prayerful contemplation. It's all right here, bothers and sisters, so first, pack up the babies and grab the old ladies, 'cause it's:

The Church Basement Roadshow: A Rollin' Gospel Revival, rolling into town Thursday night starting at 7pm sharp. The group will be performing at the Kay Spiritual Life Center on the campus of American University (on the east side of campus off of Massachusetts Avenue and Nebraska Avenue). Just look for the round building with the gold flame coming out the top. Free parking is available in the Nebraska Avenue lot of AU: drive past the AU and turn onto New Mexico Avenue, left into the lot, and then drive to the far end of the lot to be nearest the Kay Center. (Or you can take the metro to Tenleytown and ride the AU shuttle over to campus.)

Then, Friday evening we'll have the fourth in our currently-planned cycle of four congregational meetings. This one's about every community's favorite subject: church finances! But if that's not enough to lure you, then you need to know that our hosts for the evening will be the Amazing Maisels: Kate, Matt, Lizzy, and introducing the newest, adorablest Maisel: Madeline Claire (but you may call her Maddie)!

And finally, Sunday morning, please join us as we continue our series of perspectives on the Psalms with a look at the Daily Office (aka Canonical Hours, Divine Hours, Divine Office, or Liturgy of the Hours), an ancient method of praying with the Psalms that goes back at least to St. Benedict and the origins of Christian monasticism. Come help us explore how "communication with God takes place in the meditative silence and listening which surrounds the words" of the Psalms, and let's wonder together how this kind of prayer can become a connection to God in our everyday lives - the "daily office" (so to speak) of our workplace, or our home, classroom, etc.

And that's all the news for now. Hope you get the chance to join us in hootin'/hollerin'/praisin', number-crunchin' & baby-adorin', and/or contemplatin' this week!

Mike Croghan

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