Hi church,
This weekend, we begin our final steps in this journey of Lent, as Jesus enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the holiest week of the Christian year begins. This coming Sunday (10am at
Jammin' Java), we'll gather for a Palm Sunday worship service that looks at Jesus' entry into the holy city, as well as several peculiar interactions between our Lord and fig trees. Please join us as we continue our Lenten journey in repenting of our safe and tame ideas about the Nazarene.
After the service, Matt and Kendra Andrus have invited us to gather at
their home for the last of our Lenten simple meals. Please join is in giving up our customary burritos (and giving our burrito money to somebody who needs it) as we come together for simple fare and fellowship.
As Holy Week continues, we aren't planning any specifically Common Table gatherings for Maundy Thursday or Good Friday, but if you're looking for a deeper experience of Jesus' journey from Palm Sunday to Calvary to the great reversal of his Resurrection, let me know - as our resident (Anglo-)catholic, I can hook you up with some options for liturgical worship.
Speaking of the Resurrection, please plan on joining us for our Common Table Easter gathering on the 23rd at Jammin Java!
Looking further out, the last weekend in March will bring us our monthly service-worship (it sounds like we'll be working with our friends at the
Lamb Center - stay tuned for deets from the
GNU Team) as well as a congregational meeting to discuss, among other things, what God is calling is to do with this newly debt-free community of ours.
And that's about it, I think. May your Holy Week journey be a blessed and transformational one.
Mike Croghan
Labels: congregational meeting, Holy Week, service-worship
posted by Common Table Org #
8:12 AM