Hi church,
Well, we've come to the fourth week of Advent; this season of hopeful anticipation is about to come to fruition. Next week, we celebrate the two-thousand-somethingth anniversary of the coming of God into our world in a way that's wholly new.
Traditionally, the fourth Sunday of Advent is a time to turn our hope and expection toward the love of God, demonstrated so fully in Jesus' incarnation and life with us. On Sunday, and on Christmas Day, we'll celebrate the love that God has shown us; the love that we have for each other; and the unimaginable, not-yet-complete love that God has in mind for this world.
So it's fitting that we'll begin the weekend with a
second Common Table Christmas party, celebrating the presence of our beloved friends Maggie, Schuyler, and Levi, back to visit us from the frozen suburban wastelands near Detroit. ;-) We'll gather on Saturday evening at stately Tennyson Manor (aka Maranda, Ken, and Kieran's place:
4415 Shari Ct., Catharpin, VA 20143) in the evening. Bring something yummy to eat or drink, and be ready for a low-key evening of enjoying the company of dear friends.
Then, on Sunday, we won't worshiping in the morning at Jammin' Java, but we will be gathering at 6pm in the basement of
Fairlington Presbyterian Church for a joint Advent 4 / Christmas celebration with folks from some other unconventional Christian communities in the area which (like us) tend to find their congregations depleted around Christmas, as folks travel to visit far-away family and friends. Please join us!
That's it for this week, and possibly for this year - but watch this space next week for news about any opportunities to ring in the New Year together 'round the Table.
May the remainder of your Advent season be blessed, and have a very merry Christmas!
God's peace and love,
Mike Croghan
P.S., You may have seen us in a very nice cover story in this week's issue of U.S.News and World Report, on "
A Return to Tradition". The article examines several Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant faith groups that are re-embracing ancient ritual and practice in innovative ways. The reporter,
Jay Tolson, and the photographer,
Jim Lo Scalzo, visited us on a recent Sunday morning, and Jay took the time to talk with several of us and to get to know us a little bit. There's also a sidebar article about our community in particular, called "
Mixing Jesus With Java: The Appeal of New Religious Communities". If you're visiting us for the first time because you saw the articles, welcome! Feel free to take a little time to explore the web site, and we'd love to have you join us any time we gather, whether it's for service, for worship, or just for fun.
Labels: Advent, Christmas, USNWR
posted by Common Table Org #
7:40 PM