On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Sunday, October 7, 2007


October 8th through 14th

Hi church!

Some people don't like midsummer, with all this heat and humidity, but I have to say it's OK by me - wait, it's the second week of October? Oy. Where's Al Gore when we need him? :-)

We'll be meeting next Sunday morning at Jammin' Java at 10:00 AM for an "even more different than usual" sort of service. It grew out of a question: "What would happen if Sunday morning came, and nobody had planned a service?" It sounded a bit like a traditional Quaker service, in which everyone sits in silence until the Spirit moves someone to stand and speak; then, when that person is finished, the worshipers sit in silence again until someone else is moved to speak. This service will be kind of like that, except that there'd be less silence and more variety of sharing (not just words). Everyone is invited to bring something you'd like to share: maybe a story from your recent or not-so-recent life. Maybe a scripture passage or poem or prayer. Maybe a song or hymn to be listened to or sung. Maybe a YouTube video. Maybe a painting you created. Maybe an activity (let's spend five minutes finger painting!) or a body prayer. We'll go around for about an hour, or until we run out of stuff to share (whichever comes first), and then do our traditional confession/peace/Eucharist liturgy.

I have no idea how well this will work, but I'm intrigued to find out. :-)

Here are two other dates to keep in mind:

October 21 - John Bozeman will be leading us in a look at the Jesus People, followed by a Congregational Meeting after church.

November 16-18 - Common Table Retreat: Cost will be $50/adult, payable to the church (please write a separate check, as the retreat will not be tax-deductible).

Have a great week. Keep an eye out for autumn. It's got to happen eventually.


- Croghan

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