On The Table
The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
October 22 through 28
I just received a friendly call from a very nice lady inquiring about visiting our church. I kindly directed her to our website, gave her some cautionary warnings about our frequent, intentional displacement, and asked when she would be in town.
"This coming weekend!"
Oh. Sorry.
Which got me thinking... we might use a kind of tripartite division for our meetings:
1. Regular (though not exactly consistent or predictable): when we meet at Jammin' Java for worship.
2. Irregular (though kind of consistent, when you think about it): our off-site service worship projects, where we put our money where our mouth is in an attempt to give ourselves away.
3. Unregular: many meetings with "unofficial", but not "unimportant" status.
This week falls into the third category. Because our service worship project for October is more helpfully held the following weekend, and because it is our 'away' week from Jammin' Java, this weekend's events are a bit more free-form:
There's a great, super-affordable
conference being organized by our friends at Fairlington Presbyterian Church, and held at Falls Church Presbyterian Church on Saturday, October 27. The line-up of speakers is quite impressive (Sally Morgenthaler and Tony Jones), as is the gravitas of the assembled Common Tablers. If you'd like to get in on a lunch with Tony Jones, National Coordinator of Emergent Village, just show your Common Table ID card and jump on in ;-).
It's looking like a few social events are brewing for this weekend, as well. Keep your eye peeled for more information on that, or suggest your own!
Naturally, the following weekend will be a little more eventful:
Our friends
Ryan and
Holly Sharp (aka,
The Cobalt Season) are currently touring the country in their Prius (with their
one-year-old!). They'll be doing a
house show in
DC on Friday, November 2 at 8pm. It promises to be a soul-stirring night of great music, and a chance to connect with interesting people from around the Metro area.
Saturday, November 3: The GNU team is working out the details of hosting several
FACETS families on a trip to
Cox Farms from 10am to 2pm. It'll be the annual weekend of post-Halloween
Pumpkin Madness, so you won't want to miss the big, splattery mess. Fun for the kids and the young-at-heart.
Sunday, November 4, we'll be meeting at Jammin' Java to join Kriss and Ben Buss on an exploration of
Holden Village for our current series on Christian communities and cultural context.
November 16-18 - Common Table Retreat: Cost will be $50/adult, payable to the church (please write a separate check, as the retreat will not be tax-deductible).
Mike Stavlund
Labels: context, service-worship
Monday, October 15, 2007
(*UPDATE*) October 15 through 21
**UPDATE: please note change of venue for Congregational Meeting
Hi, church--
After being away from home for several weeks (where I've heard plenty of praise for our small church!), I'm pleased to see so much fruit borne by our GNU team and others as we continue our effort to push ourselves outside our smaller circle to know and love and serve those in our wider community. One example of this is happening this Wednesday, when a bunch of us will be getting together at
The Lamb Center to host a celebration of the rich cultural artifact known as Karaoke between 7:30 and 9pm. If you'd like to lend your applause or (better yet) your voice, be sure to stop by.
This Sunday, October 21, our own bona-fide expert on religious movements, John Bozeman will be leading us in a look at the
Jesus People. This is a group which was founded in the early 1970's, and one that's found a way to develop a strong core (members actually live together in a high-rise in Chicago) and an expansive engagement with their community (both in outreach and in the operation of several businesses staffed by members). It promises to be a rich morning, as John shares from his wealth of knowledge and experience with this pioneering community.
**After first church, we'll repair to
Jack and Pete's place to hold a Congregational Meeting, where we're planning to hear a financial update, talk about plans for Sunday mornings, get an update from our GNU Team, and anything else you'd like to discuss. Please plan to grab your
Chipotle at the spot a block from their house, or dare to try
a place which Pete hesitatingly describes as 'even better than Chipotle'. Take your food 'to go', and let's meet up to start our meeting at 1 or 1:30. Also, note that while their place is very kid-friendly, we don't yet have any formal child care plan organized.
Here are some other
dates to keep in mind:
October 27/28: because of our service worship activity scheduled for the following weekend, we'll not be meeting at Jammin' Java or anywhere else this weekend (at least not officially-- anyone want to plan a party?).
Our friends
Ryan and
Holly Sharp (aka,
The Cobalt Season) are currently touring the country in their Prius (with their
one-year-old!). They'll be doing a
house show in
DC on Friday, November 2. It promises to be a fun night of great music, and a chance to connect with interesting people from around the Metro area.
Saturday, November 3: The GNU team is working out the details of hosting several families on a trip to
Cox Farms from 10am to 2pm. It'll be the annual weekend of post-Halloween
Pumpkin Madness (my favorite methods of destruction being the trebuchet and the crane-drop), so you won't want to miss the big, splattery mess. Fun for the kids and the young-at-heart.
November 16-18 - Common Table Retreat: Cost will be $50/adult, payable to the church (please write a separate check, as the retreat will not be tax-deductible).
Mike Stavlund
Labels: congregational meeting, context, GNU Team, service-worship
Sunday, October 7, 2007
October 8th through 14th
Hi church!
Some people don't like midsummer, with all this heat and humidity, but I have to say it's OK by me - wait, it's the second week of October? Oy. Where's Al Gore when we need him? :-)
We'll be meeting next Sunday morning at
Jammin' Java at 10:00 AM for an "even more different than usual" sort of service. It grew out of a question: "What would happen if Sunday morning came, and nobody had planned a service?" It sounded a bit like a traditional Quaker service, in which everyone sits in silence until the Spirit moves someone to stand and speak; then, when that person is finished, the worshipers sit in silence again until someone else is moved to speak. This service will be kind of like that, except that there'd be less silence and more variety of sharing (not just words). Everyone is invited to bring something you'd like to share: maybe a story from your recent or not-so-recent life. Maybe a scripture passage or poem or prayer. Maybe a song or hymn to be listened to or sung. Maybe a YouTube video. Maybe a painting you created. Maybe an activity (let's spend five minutes finger painting!) or a body prayer. We'll go around for about an hour, or until we run out of stuff to share (whichever comes first), and then do our traditional confession/peace/Eucharist liturgy.
I have no idea how well this will work, but I'm intrigued to find out. :-)
Here are two other
dates to keep in mind:
October 21 - John Bozeman will be leading us in a look at the Jesus People, followed by a Congregational Meeting after church.
November 16-18 - Common Table Retreat: Cost will be $50/adult, payable to the church (please write a separate check, as the retreat will not be tax-deductible).
Have a great week. Keep an eye out for autumn. It's got to happen eventually.
- Croghan
Labels: congregational meeting, context, Quakeresque
Thursday, October 4, 2007
October 1st through 7th
Pardon the tardiness of this post. It just occurred to me that both Mikes are out of town and I should probably get off my arse and get an announcement out if we expect church to happen this Sunday... because this is Common Table, and nothing happens in real life unless it makes its way through cyberspace first. So here's what's coming up, as best as I can tell:
Saturday at 7:30pm, Pete and Jackie are hosting an
Iftar at
their house (703 953 1297) as an opportunity to visit with our Iraqi friends and share their religious celebrations with them. All are welcome. If you'd like to attend, please coordinate that with Pete and Jackie.
Sunday, we'll be at
Jammin Java at 10:00 AM, continuing our series considering the ways that God works in various contexts and cultures. This week promises to be especially intriguing and challenging as we look at
Alcoholics Anonymous, an extremely contextual group that is defined not by its geography, but by its demographics. Jen Way will be leading us, which is always a treat, so plan to come on Sunday and share your perspectives.
Here are two other
dates to keep in mind:
- October 21 - Congregational Meeting after church
- November 16-18 - Common Table Retreat: Cost will be $50/adult, payable to the church.
Have a great week everyone, and Happy October!
Labels: context, iftar
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