On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, September 28, 2007


September 24th thru 30th

Hi church,

This is our service worship weekend, and we've managed to find a time that works to share a meal with the Sudanese guys whom Israel and Jen are acquainted with. We are honored that these guys have found some time, amidst their crazy busy work schedules, to hang out with us this week.

We are excited to give our service worship a little twist when we simply share a meal together with them on Sunday, September 30, in order for the rest of us to meet them and learn to know them and perhaps hear a little more about their story. The hope is that by cultivating this relationship with them, we may be able to more naturally find ways to extend our support network to them. Building relationship is key in their culture, and it is our hope to honor that by taking the time to develop relationships before we try to take on any of their needs collectively.

We'll meet at 1pm at Culpeper House (2428 S. Culpeper St Arlington, VA 22206 - note that Google Maps is wrong: 25th street doesn't touch Rt. 7; take Chesterfield instead).

Next Sunday (October 7th), we'll be back at Jammin' Java for the next in our ongoing "Context and Communties" series of worship services, as Jen Way leads us in a look at the life-changing communities of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs. Hope you can join us!
Also, you might say a prayer for safe travel and fruitful relationship-building as the Three Stavs and I travel to Glorietta, NM next week for the Emergent Gathering.

Have a wonderful week!



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