Hi church,
This is our service worship weekend, and we've managed to find a time that works to share a meal with the Sudanese guys whom Israel and Jen are acquainted with. We are honored that these guys have found some time, amidst their crazy busy work schedules, to hang out with us this week.
We are excited to give our service worship a little twist when we simply share a meal together with them on Sunday, September 30, in order for the rest of us to meet them and learn to know them and perhaps hear a little more about their story. The hope is that by cultivating this relationship with them, we may be able to more naturally find ways to extend our support network to them. Building relationship is key in their culture, and it is our hope to honor that by taking the time to develop relationships before we try to take on any of their needs collectively.
Next Sunday (October 7th), we'll be back at Jammin' Java for the next in our ongoing "Context and Communties" series of worship services, as Jen Way leads us in a look at the life-changing communities of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs. Hope you can join us!
Also, you might say a prayer for safe travel and fruitful relationship-building as the Three Stavs and I travel to Glorietta, NM next week for the
Emergent Gathering.
Have a wonderful week!
Labels: service-worship
Hi church,
Just a couple of items to accompany the lovely weather this fine September week. On Saturday afternoon, the Design Team will be gathering at 2pm at
the Doans' to plan October (and maybe November) worship services. We'll be continuing to look at how Christian communities take different forms based on who forms them, and whom they seek to serve. If you think you might like to take even a small role (even in a single service) in planning worship for this fall, your voice is entirely welcome!
Then, on Sunday morning at 10am, we'll come together at Jammin' Java for the second service in this series. We'll experience worshipful chant and contemplative prayer together, and discuss how values such as Christian unity, commitment to community, and radical hospitality combined to form the
Taize Community in Burgundy, France, which has become a magnet for spiritually hungry young people in post-Christian Europe.
Have a great week!
Mike (Croghan)
Labels: context, DT4.0
This is a week of remembrances. Today, across our country, people are remembering the events of September 11, 2001 and mourning the lives that were lost on that day. And for our church, this week marks the anniversary of the loss of Will Stavlund, Mike and Stacy's precious son and Ella's twin brother. Will touched our community in innumerable ways during his short life, so tomorrow evening we would like to gather to remember his life and to surround Mike, Stacy and Ella with our love and support during this difficult anniversary. Once again, the Sisters at
St. Benedict's have graciously extended their hospitality to us. We're grateful for the opportunity to gather in this peaceful oasis in
Bristow, VA.
We'll begin at 7:00 PM with a dedication ceremony in the Compassion Garden, a special place on the property that the Sisters have set aside for parents who have lost children. The garden is located at the top of the hill, near where the labyrinth is, but off to the left of the house. Because it will get dark quickly, we plan to start promptly at 7:00, so please leave yourself time to park at the school and walk up the drive. If you'd like to have time to visit, pray or walk the labyrinth, feel free to come early. We'll continue our time of remembrance in the small chapel at the top of the hill, so if you're arriving late, look for us there. If you have any questions feel free to contact Jackie Bulanow (703-628-3350) or myself (703-968-7349).
Sunday we'll find ourselves back at
Jammin Java for the first time in three weeks. It will be good to return to our familiar surroundings and kick-off our fall series, where we'll be looking at how Christian communities take very different forms based on the people they seek to serve, the cultural context, and the gifts and passions of the community members. This week we'll begin by looking at
Church of the Saviour, a local community that significantly shaped the Adams Morgan community during the second half of the last century and whose legacy still shapes the city today. Plan to join us at 10:00 AM.
And Sunday afternoon, will mark the triumphant return of "Beer+", our informal "connecting" time, when we gather to relax, hear each other's stories and look for opportunities to come alongside one another in forming spiritual friendships. This week we look forward to hearing the stories of those individuals we missed the first time around (Maranda, no lame excuses about being in Bangladesh this time!) and getting an update on our existing small groups. If you're interested in getting more involved or finding ways to connect with other Commoners, this is the place to do it. We'll gather at the
Doans' at 5:00 PM for pizza (bring a few dollars) and then meet from 6:00 to 8:00.
Mike, Stacy and Ella, you'll be on our minds and hearts tomorrow.
Labels: Beer+, context, memorial
Hi church,
This Sunday morning (10am), we'll be celebrating the baptism of two members of our community at
Mike and Stacy Stavlund's place in Falls Church. (Parking is very limited, so if you could park on Sleepy Hollow and walk the last block, we'd appreciate it.) Mike S.'s words from last week express beautifully the meaning of this sacrament for us: "We'll be coming around Lucretia and Alyssa as they celebrate the new life they have been given, and to pledge ourselves to them as they continue to live after Jesus." In that spirit of baptism as a communal commitment, the service will include a time for open sharing of our prayers, love, and support for Alyssa and Lucretia, so if you have a prayer, poem, or other expression that you'd like to share, please bring it. And if you're still considering being baptized yourself, it's not to late - let us know right away!
Also, this Saturday afternoon (the 8th) at 3pm, the Design Team will be meeting to plan our services for October and beyond, when we'll be looking at how Christian communities take very different forms based on the people they seek to serve, the cultural context, and the gifts and passions of the community members. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the planning, even if you've never been a part of Design Team before, and you can participate in whatever way works for you, whether it be just helping us brainstorm, or taking a role in a single service or in the whole series. Location is TBD - look for an update on the core list. Also, a bunch of us might go watch people
pull airplanes around on ropes before the meeting. So that should be fun.
Have a great week - welcome back to the school year, if that's an important thing in your life. If it isn't, welcome to another week just like last week. :-) Hope it's blessed.
Mike Croghan
Labels: baptism, DT4.0