Dear Church--
Late-breaking news: a bunch of us will be getting together with Israel's Sudanese friends Dhieu and David on Saturday afternoon for some hiking at Riverbend Park on the Potomac. You can meet us at Culpeper House (2428 S. Culpeper St Arlington, VA 22206 - note that Google Maps is wrong; 25th street doesn't touch Rt. 7) around noonish, or at Riverbend Park (8700 Potomac Hills St, Great Falls, VA 22066) a bit later. But definitely contact Israel if you want to participate, to guarantee you'll find us. (Or contact the church if you don't have Izzy's number.)
On Sunday, we'll be finishing out our summer film series with a look at a story of a man whose boat is destroyed in an 'act of God'. So, with no other recourse, he decides that he will file a lawsuit to recoup his losses. Our friend John will be helping us to consider questions like 'who should speak for God?'. Join us at
Jammin' Java at 10am for what is sure to be a thought-provoking time.
And looking ahead, we have some plans in development:
Next weekend, we'll be doing a Service-Worship project at a nearby monastery, cleaning up the grounds.
On Labor Day weekend (Sunday, September 2nd), we'll return to the monastery to have our annual anniversary celebration of the church, and to spend some time in prayer and meditation at their permanent
In early September, we're planning a baptism celebration. If you'd like be baptized-- or if you're considering it-- please let us know.
We're currently working on dates and locations for a fall retreat, sometime in October or November.
Hope to see you soon,
Mike (stavlund)
posted by Common Table Org #
8:26 AM