On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


July 2 through July 8

Hi church,

Well, it's a holiday week, as you've no doubt noticed (happy birthday, USA, and I hope we 're all managing to enjoy some sun, food, family, friends, and fireworks). So there's not too much going on. But we do have a very special worship service planned for this Sunday morning (the 8th) at 10 AM at Jammin' Java.

It's "Bring Your Bunny to Church" week! Please bring a stuffed animal of some kind - a bunny would be perfect, but any stuffed animal would do, and ideally it would be one well-loved over years by you or some other adult. (It's fine to bring one well-loved by your child, but in that case it may, of course, have no choice but to spend the service in the child-care area.) Don't worry, we're not going to hurt them, though your relationship with the toy may not be quite the same following the service. :-D Yes, this has something to do with the film we're going to watch. (It's the second in our summer film series of services.)

Also, following the service, we're going to have a two-part congregational meeting. Immediately after the service, at Jammin' Java, the Leadership Team will talk a little bit about where we are with finances, and a plan we've been talking about for moving forward. Then we'll move to someone's home (location TBD) to further discuss the path forward.

Have a great week, everybody!


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