Sometimes, more is more. Sometimes, less is more. And sometimes, less blossoms into something much, much more. Here is all you need to know about the goodness that Pete has in store for us this week:
a proof for love
This Sunday morning at
Jammin' Java. 10am.
Mike Stavlund
Hey church,
The days (and nights) are starting to think about being a bit nippy, and I, for one, am pretty content with that state of affairs. I'm looking forward to fall colors and apple cider and new episodes of Glee! :-D
But as for this week, it's the fourth Sunday of the month, which means we
won't be gathering at Jammin' Java on Sunday morning. Here's what we've got for you instead:
On Saturday morning at 10am, we'll come together for our quarterly-ish congregational meeting on the grounds of the hospitable
Church of the Holy Comforter in Vienna. We'll be meeting at the Rodman House, the house-like structure right at the front of the property, which has a great meeting space with easy access to playgrounds for the kids. Speaking of kids, we're working to secure some babysitters so that everyone can attend the meeting. We've got the space until 2pm, but don't worry: we're not scheduling a 4-hour meeting. Our plan is to meet first, then have a cookout/potluck for lunch. All are welcome at these meetings, and you're even more welcome at lunch (provided you bring something to share!) ;-)
Note: you are welcome, whether or not you bring something to share. But you are extra welcome if you bring beer. And/or pork. We also enjoy pie.
Then, at 4pm, a bunch of us will be heading out to stately
Tennyson Manor in remote Catharpin, VA, for our roughly-monthly-but-we-usually-forget-to-mention-it Fiction Book Club. This month, we're reading the short story anthology
Girl with Curious Hair by
David Foster Wallace. It's really good, so if you can get your hands on a copy (or just want some good conversation), come on out and join us!
I think that's about it for now. Stay cool, kids. Late-September cool, even.
Mike Croghan
Hey, Church:
This week, our own Erin will be leading us on a topic that's been on her mind lately: "Following Jesus: What's the Body Got to Do With It?" If you've been wondering what in the world people mean by 'spirituality' and wonder what it has to do with the fact that God gave you a body, you won't want to miss it. It promises to be engaging and thought-provoking, and we hope you'll engage and share your provocative thoughts with us on Sunday morning at 10am at
Jammin' Java.
Looking further ahead, our next Congregational Meeting is Saturday, September 24 from 10-2 on the grounds of the hospitable
Church of the Holy Comforter in Vienna. We'll be meeting at the Rodman House, the house-like structure right at the front of the property which has a great meeting space with easy access to playgrounds for the kids. Speaking of kids, we're working to secure some babysitters so that everyone can attend the meeting. And don't worry: we're not scheduling a 4-hour meeting. Our plan is to meet first, then have a cookout/potluck for lunch. All are welcome at these meetings, and you're even more welcome at lunch (provided you bring something to share! ;-)
Hope to see you soon,
Mike Stavlund
In spite of our apparent silence, things are brewing at Common Table. Our friend Liz and her co-collaborators are putting together an observance of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001:
Last week we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Common Table, and this week we're observing the 10th anniversary of 9/11, which certainly begs the question: how has 9/11 influenced Common Table? We'll pause to mourn those who were lost and reflect on how each of us have been influenced by the events of that day. But the most important question we'll ask is: how do we go forward both individually and as a community trying to live each day in a way that is more like Jesus?
And another note: our 3-and-up crew will be meeting with the amazing Ms. Heidi, who wants parents to know that they will be painting tomorrow. Rest assured: the paint is washable. Still, it would be a good idea if the kids could wear something un-fancy and uber-washable tomorrow.
Hope to see you tomorrow morning at 10am at
Jammin' Java!
Mike Stavlund