On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


November 29-December 5

And just like that - tomorrow is the first day of December, if you can believe it!

Advent is upon us, a time when we do our best to push back against the tidal waves of the holiday season and take some time to still our hearts before God, preparing for the coming weeks of anticipation of the celebration of Jesus birth. At this time of year when we are bombarded with commercialism --when Santa Claus can be found in the mall the day after Halloween, and sales and decorations are put up in the frenzy that proceeds the Christmas gift-giving season, it can be difficult to center ourselves and to focus our thoughts on the longing and anticipation for our world to be "righted," of watching keenly for the redemption that God seeks to partner with us in.

Where do you find yourself this year? Are you surprised that we are back at this place again so soon, of holiday gatherings with family and friends? Are you already tired of the constant barrage of commercialization coming your way? Are you anticipating the flurry of excitement and the holiday work parties ;-) ?? Are you longing to be centered and in a right place of mind as we enter this season of advent?

Come out this Sunday to Jammin' Java (10am, or come at 9:30 to join us for open worship music), where Jen and I will lead a discussion about our wants and needs in light of our own personal experiences in situations that challenged our understanding of just what our wants and need really are.

Hope to see you on Sunday!

Looking ahead, other items to note for the month ahead:
Weekend of Dec 11/12 - we will be at JJ for an Advent service
Weekend of Dec 18/19 Service worship Dec 18th, Christmas party Dec 19th - no Jammin' Java* (see note below)
Weekend of Dec 25/26 - We will not be at Jammin' Java

*On Saturday, December 18th, we will once again join with Reston Interfaith for a toy drive. Stay tuned for more details! The very next day will be our much anticipated Common Table Christmas party. The party will take place at the Fairfax Railroad Museum , located in Fairfax Station from 4-8 pm. Craig Frogale has agreed to pump up the party this year, so look for updates from him soon!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


November 15th through 28th

Hi church,

Please note that this edition of On the Table is covering two (2) weeks. (Why do people do that? Put the digits in parenthesis after spelling out a number, as if it helps to clarify what the word "two" means? I've always wondered.)

On this coming Saturday, the 20th, please join us for a kid-friendly service-worship project, delivering Thanksgiving food baskets to families in need, in partnership with Reston Interfaith. If you can help with deliveries, please be at Mike and Tina's place no later than 9am on Saturday morning for your route assignments. We'll re-gather at our place at 10:30 for a simple, kid-friendly worship service exploring why we're sharing food with folks, and we'll also make some cards to send to the folks to whom we delivered the baskets. (Please join us for that part even if you can't make it at 9 for the deliveries.)

Because of the service-worship project on Saturday, we will NOT be gathering for a worship service at Jammin' Java on Sunday the 21st.

Thursday the 25th, of course, is Thanksgiving. I hope it will be an occasion for you to gather with friends and family and give thanks, together, for God's many gifts! If you're in the DC/NoVA area and are looking for someone to spend the holiday with, please contact us and we'll hook you up. (Seriously!)

Finally, we have no known plans for the weekend after Thanksgiving, the 27th and 28th. (In particular, since it's the fourth Sunday of the month, we will NOT be gathering at Java.) If you've got any ideas, let us know!

And that's it for now! I hope I'll see you some time this month, but if not...see you in Advent!

Mike Croghan

Friday, November 12, 2010


November 8 through 14

This Sunday provides an opportunity for us to get out of our heads and into our bodies.

At 8am, several of Common Table's finest will be lining up for the Vienna Turkey Trot, right around the corner from our beloved Chipotle. If you'd like to run, jog, and/or walk, you can register for the race that morning, and if you'd like to get some fresh air and cheer on our friends, we'll see you out there along the course.

At 9:00am, the group formerly (and currently) known as the 9:30 Club will be gathering at Jammin' Java to join their voices and instruments in worship. If you-- like me-- are puzzled about this new start time and what it means for this titular group, then come on by and see for yourself.

Shortly after 10am, we'll convene our regular worship service, where we'll consider some of this week's Lectionary readings and especially the theme of running/endurance in the New Testament. Those with the odor of a 5K on them will be granted special voice in the proceedings.

Go, Runners!,
Mike Stavlund

Thursday, November 4, 2010


November 1st through 7th

Hi church,

There's a bunch going on this weekend! Here's what I know:

First, we'll gather at The Lamb Center (the only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks in Fairfax County) on Friday evening (the 5th) for Lamb Center Karaoke. Setup starts at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and we'll wrap up at 8pm. Come to sing, nom, or just make friends, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work. This is the last Lamb Center Karaoke evening of the year, so let's go out with a bang!

Next, on Saturday (10am - 2; quitting sooner if we're done and breaking for lunch somewhere in there), the Midweek Group (really, Ms. Heidi Burns) is leading an effort to complete the service-worship project at the Laurel Learning Center in Reston. We're down to cutting in, touching up, and a second coat on the walls. It should go quick, but more hands would be a huge help to get the place truly back in action and ready to serve and teach kids.

Then, on Sunday morning at 9am, the 9:30am Club will be gathering at Jammin' Java to talk about future directions for worship music at Common Table. If that's a topic you care about, please join them. And then stay for a time of participatory, worshipful music starting at 9:30!

And last, but certainly not least, please join us at 10am Sunday at Java for a true privilege: The Rev. Vince Anderson of Revolution NYC (among many other ministries) - better known in these parts as Moffitt's Guy - will be sharing his reflection entitled "Psalms of America". You don't want to miss it! (I'm going to miss it, and I don't want to!)

And that's the story for this weekend. Hope to see you soon!

Mike Croghan


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