On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, July 29, 2010


On the Table -- August 1, 2010

Is it possible that we are nearly through July already and headed into August?? This Sunday will bring us into the month of August, ready or not!

This week we will have a follow up to the Lorax as a prophetic type service - which is available as a podcast if you missed it. This service is the sequel to the original Lorax service, entitled "When the Lorax Goes Bad". It promises to be an interesting time as we discuss who gets to speak for Christianity.

The following week, we will not have a service at Jammin' Java, as we will be joyfully celebrating with Jen and Israel in Boyd, Maryland as they tie the knot. We rejoice with them and marvel in the goodness of a good 'ole fashioned home-grown Common Table relationship!

See you in August,


Wednesday, July 21, 2010


July 19-25

Well kids, it's that time again!! This weekend being the 4th Sunday of the month, we'll not be having our usual 10am Sunday gathering at Jammin' Java.

However, if you're hankerin' for a bit of community time this weekend, we will be continuing to assist the Stavlunds in their Epic Move to their Super-Fab New House on Saturday morning (July 24th). An absolutely key element in making this a success will be having adequate childcare. Anyone willing to take the kids to the awesome park down the street will free up the remaining adults to get a lot of work done... and will receive high praise and thanksgiving and loooove from all. Plus you'll get to hang out with Common Table Kids, who are 100% of the free-range, organic variety and thereby fabulously interesting little folks.

More details on the Stavlund Epic Move to come on the Common Table Corelist, which you can subscribe to here, if you've not already done so....

Peace out,

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Thursday, July 15, 2010


July 12th through 18th

Hi church,

First of all, a personal thanks for the outpouring of love, support, and prayer from y'all during Tina's recent emergency surgery. We've both been really touched and felt really loved. Y'all are simply the best, Common Table - bar none. :-)

Secondly, a great thing to do this Friday evening would be to cheer on Vinny in the Run for the Gulf 5K race in Bluemont Park in Arlington. Says Vince: "I am sickened unto death at what is happening to God's creation in the Gulf of Mexico." And also: "We can meet at the Gamma Pad for beers and eats afterwards." I tried to register but it was full - which means they're raising lots of dough for recovery from this terrible wound in God's creation. So let's give a cheer for Vinny for putting his running shoes where his heart is!

Thirdly, please join us at Jammin' Java at 10am on Sunday for a worship service in which we'll walk together through (and try to put ourselves inside) a longish section of the Gospel According to Luke. (Luke 10:38 - 11:36, in case you want to get it all figured out beforehand.) :-) We'll let Jesus challenge us - and also challenge Jesus, prayerfully, to give us insight into some of his characteristically enigmatic words. So bring your heart and head and let's see what we discover.

And that's about it for now - may God bless your hot summer days (and ah-oh, those summer nights)!

Mike Croghan

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010


July 5 through 11

As we endure Blast Furnace Week in DC, let's pause to thank Diana, Paul, and Nick for hosting what might have been the perfect Independence Day celebration: grilled pizza appetizers, beef tenderloin cooked to perfection, an 83-degree pool awaiting, and a two-act fireworks extravaganza mere steps away. Quite impressive for folks who got their start in another American country.

This Sunday, we'll be back at Jammin' Java at 10am for an encounter we're calling The Lorax as Prophetic Type. We'll be led by Midwestern celebrity and educator Pamela Stavlund in our reading of this Dr. Seuss classic, and spend some time discussing the ways in which The Lorax resembles the prophets of the Hebrew Bible. Hope you can be there to lend your voice and your insight.

Stay cool,
Mike Stavlund

PS. If you're closer to Bethesda, or if you just like to sleep a bit later, our own Amy Moffitt will be preaching at Church in Bethesda this Sunday at 11am.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


June 28th through July 4th

Hi church,

Well, school's out, I think, for everyone, and it's officially July - and time for a long weekend (for most of us) for the 4th!

We've got several things going on. First, this Friday, July 2nd, will be our next evening of Lamb Center Karaoke, with setup starting at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and wrapping up at 8pm. It's at The Lamb Center, the only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks in Fairfax County, off Fairfax Circle and not far from the Vienna Metro. Come and bring your singing voice, or just your hands for clapping and your heart for making friends, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work!

Second, we'll gather on Sunday at 10am at Jammin' Java as Mike and Mike (er, that is, Mike and I) lead us in a Movie Sunday service. Actually, it's just a short film, one of Rob Bell's "Nooma" videos, in which Rob begins to explore what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus. We'll explore that too, together - so join us!

And finally, we've been invited to the home of Diana, Paul, and Nick on Sunday afternoon/evening for a low-key 4th-of-July hang-out. Here are the deets from Diana:

We have the pool and we can see the City of Manassas and Manassas Park fireworks from the backyard. It will be very laid back – simple grilling, swimming and hanging out. If anyone is free on the 4th and wants to hang, they are more than welcome. Please give us a quick call or email so we know to look out for you.
Our address is:
8847 Olde Mill Run
Manassas, VA

And that's it for the long weekend. May our country's birthday be an occasion for both celebration and reflection.

Mike Croghan

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