As we head into a new week, hopefully you are finding ways to manage in this summer heat wave that is now upon us. Spring is gone and summer has come in full force!
This weekend, we look forward to joining in the celebration of the 1st birthday and baptism ceremony for Willow and Wilder Andrus with a cookout, to be held at
Bull Run Park this Saturday, June 26th, from 11:30-3:00 pm. Please email Kendra at: if you plan to attend so they are sure to have enough food. The baptism ceremony will begin promptly at 1:30. Matt and Kendra intend for the baptism celebration to be communal and interactive. They would like you to feel free to offer a blessing/prayer/poem/song etc for Willow and Wilder that they can then put in a memory book for the babes. If you are unable to attend, but would like something read in your absence, please feel free to send it to Kendra at the email address above.
This weekend is also the last weekend of the month, a time when we typically break from our normal meeting time together at Jammin' Java and look for ways collectively or individually to meet needs around us. Maybe you are in need of an unscheduled day to be a welcome breather in your busy schedule and opportunity to reflect on God's goodness and blessings in your life. Or perhaps you could think of ways in which you could use the time to reach out and be Christ to someone in your life -- a neighbor, a friend, a family member. Whatever you decide, choose to be
aware of God and how he is at work in and through you.
Have a great week!
Labels: Andrus, baptism
Hi church,
Just one event on the table for this weekend: our Sunday worship gathering at 10am at
Jammin' Java. This week, Ken and Maranda (with insights from Sandy) will lead us in an exploration of some themes from the book
Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman. Thus sayeth the
Emotional intelligence (EI) describes the ability, capacity, skill or, in the case of the trait EI model, a self-perceived grand ability to identify, assess, manage and control the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups.
Er...clear as mud? Sounds a bit like an X-Men power to me. Bet it will make a lot more sense after Ken and Maranda help us unpack it on Sunday. So please join us!
Mike Croghan
Hey church!
This beautiful summer marches on, and we've got a couple of items on the table for this week.
First, on Friday evening, we'll gather at
the home of Maggie, Schuyler, Levi, and Adah, who (freshly returned from exile near Detroit) have created the All New Amazing Great Book Club! (Call Maggie and Schuyler at 703-243-0406 if you need directions.) This month, we're discussing Kurt Vonnegut's novel
Cat's Cradle, and you still have time to read it if you want - it's a quick read. (Or, you're welcome to show up for the conversation and form your opinions on the fly!)
Second, please join us on Sunday morning (10am at
Jammin' Java) for a simple Drum Circle service. Here's the idea: Everyone in the circle will have an opportunity (not an obligation) to share a burden or a joy that's big in their lives right now. Building on last Sunday's "why I believe" service, it might be about their relationship with God, or maybe not. If you want to, you're encouraged to put some thought into it beforehand and bring something written (a poem, prayer, or just your story) or visual. After each sharing, the circle responds with rhythm and sound, conveying empathy and community through the nonverbal but expressive language of music: bearing one another's burden, and sharing one another's joy. (
Galatians 6:2: Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.) So please join us, bring your burdens and joys, and also something percussive or sound-making. (We'll have extras of all of the above to share!)
And that's it for this week. Hope you're enjoying the green and beauty this season!
Mike Croghan
Labels: books, music
Hey church,
We've got a couple of things going on this week:
First, this Friday, June 4th, will be our next evening of Lamb Center Karaoke, with setup starting at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and wrapping up at 8pm. It's at
The Lamb Center, the only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks in Fairfax County, off Fairfax Circle and not far from the Vienna Metro. Come and bring your singing voice, or just your hands for clapping and your heart for making friends, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work!
Second, we'll gather on Sunday at 10am at
Jammin' Java as Jen, Craig, and Israel lead us in a service sharing personal faith stories. Here's Jen's description of the service:
The main idea behind this service is "Reasons Why I Believe". We're looking for personal stories, experiences, thoughts, etc., affirming why we put our faith and hope in Jesus Christ. Emphasis on the word "personal". This is not about apologetics per se. It's meant to be an open-mic style event. So, CTers, please mull this topic over in your mind and know that you are welcome and encouraged to share this Sunday!
And that's what we're up to for this week. Welcome to summer with all of its blessings - and stay cool!
Mike Croghan
Labels: karaoke, lamb center