On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


May 24th through 30th

Hi church,

The big deal this week is the Memorial Day weekend cookout at Pam and Craig's, so I'm just gonna reiterate that from last week's update.

This week, we won't be meeting at Jammin' Java, but we will be gathering at Pam and Craig's place for a cookout. Here's their invitation:
Come join Pam and I for a backyard cookout Sunday May 30th (starting around 2:00pm) at our place in Fairfax near GMU. We plan to cook burgers, hot dogs, brats, chicken and whatever else we find to throw on the grill. Of course we will also have side dish type stuff, beer and sodas. Feel free to bring a small dish or just yourself and your family. Plan for some horseshoes during the day and some karaoke/Wii action in the evening. Please RSVP to craigfrogale@gmail.com so we can plan for food and give you directions. Hope you can make it.
It'll be a great time - see you there!

Mike Croghan


Thursday, May 20, 2010


May 17 through 23

This Pentecost Sunday, we're doing our best to live into the spirit of a polyphonic celebration of the Spirit by invoking the ancient Hebrew practice of midrash. So feel free to read the wikipedia entry on that if you like, or you can save yourself some time by just trusting us and bringing your adventurous self to Jammin' Java at 10am this Sunday morning. It'll be fun and engaging, and you're sure to learn a lot from everyone else (and maybe yourself!).

Next week, we won't be meeting at Java, but we will be gathering at Pam and Craig's place for a cookout. Here's their invitation:
Come join Pam and I for a backyard cookout Sunday May 30th (starting around 2:00pm) at our place in Fairfax near GMU. We plan to cook burgers, hot dogs, brats, chicken and whatever else we find to throw on the grill. Of course we will also have side dish type stuff, beer and sodas. Feel free to bring a small dish or just yourself and your family. Plan for some horseshoes during the day and some karaoke/Wii action in the evening. Please RSVP to craigfrogale@gmail.com so we can plan for food and give you directions. Hope you can make it.
Mike Stavlund

Thursday, May 13, 2010


May 10th through 16th

This week (10am Sunday at Jammin' Java), we will gather together to share our lives and a simple brunch together. Kids and adults are welcomed to think over this past week and be prepared to share an item or a story or thought or poem of something that comes with a story of when you saw God this week, or when you were left wondering -- "where is God in this story?"

If you'd like to sign up for some food, go to this link. Feel free to bring something that is not on the list as well.

After a relaxed time of sharing and eating together, whomever is able will have the opportunity to support one of our younger members, Elizabeth, in her lacrosse game. It is her last home game before the play-offs and will take place at noon at the Oak Mar Rec center which is not far down Rt 123 from Jammin' Java. The game will only last an hour, so feel free to bring Chipotle along with you, or anyone interested could grab a late lunch after the game together.

Here is what Liz had to say about the game:

"The team is having a great season. So far, all of the games have been really pretty exciting. Last night we found out that Elizabeth's team is ranked #2 among all of the U11-B teams in the Northern VA league Their record is 4-1-1. That's pretty amazing considering that half the girls on the team had never played lacrosse before this season."

You will want to be sure to bring a chair or a blanket, water, and sun screen, as Oak Mar is just a big open field.

Jackie Bulanow


Thursday, May 6, 2010


May 3rd through 9th

Hi church,

Well, it's going to be an action- and blessing-packed weekend around the Table, so let's get down to it!

First, this Friday, May 7th, we'll rock on with our next evening of Lamb Center Karaoke, with setup starting at 6, pizza and singing at 6:30, and wrapping up at 8pm. It's at The Lamb Center, Fairfax County's only daytime drop-in center for homeless folks, off Fairfax Circle and not far from the Vienna Metro. Come and bring your singing voice, or just your hands for clapping, and be prepared to have a good time and see the Spirit at work!

Second, on Saturday the 8th, we are having a barbecue shindig to officially celebrate the 2nd coming of the St. Lawrence clan!

Time: 5:30 and after
Location: Tennyson's

Weather looks to be fabulous - looking forward to some good grub, brews, and maybe even some volleyball for those so inclined... Join us for the celebration!

And last, but anything but least, we invite you to join us for a service of Holy Baptism, as we welcome Tristan Riley Tennyson and Anna Lucia Katherine Stavlund into the family of God. We'll celebrate this happy occasion on Sunday at 10am at Jammin' Java. Please help us to pour out God's blessings and love, overflowing through our community, on these two precious children of God!

And that's the story for this week. Non-stop celebration - what could be more appropriate for this season of Easter?

Mike Croghan

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