On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Monday, March 29, 2010


March 29th through Easter Sunday, April 4th

Hi church,

As most everybody knows by now, we're experiencing Holy Week together this year with a retreat through the four days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter. We'll be in the mountains of West Virginia, so we won't be at Jammin' Java this Sunday.

(We're full up on overnight bunk space, but if you'd like to join us for the day on Friday or Saturday, give us a shout.)

May your Holy Week journey be transforming, and may Easter bring resurrection in your life!

Mike Croghan

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Thursday, March 25, 2010


March 22 through 28

As we celebrate Palm Sunday this week, we will have a short church service at Jammin' Java prepared for the kids led by our very own Jen Way and Jackie Bulanow. The service will begin promptly at 11:15am and end at 11:45. We will talk about the (upside-down kingdom) ways that Jesus surprises us. The service will be short and sweet and will happen right before the picnic lunch and congregational meeting. Though it will be geared toward kids, of course all are welcome to attend. We will start at 11:15 and end at 11:45, right before we head over to Glyndon Park for a simple picnic lunch together.

But before that all begins on Sunday morning, we will be holding our bi-annual (once every two years) audio training workshop for all those interested / willing to help with tech setup and support. The training workshop is tailored for your desired level of involvement and proficiency: from wrapping a mic cable to running the new digital board that JJ recently purchased, and everything in between. All are welcome. Training on the Digital Board begins at 9am. New folks apprenticeship training begins at 10am.

Additionally, since we are working with a digital board, we get our own preset (#175) to store our settings. So to leverage this, each artist at Common Table will get their own channel or channels, and once set, mic check will be essentially finished when their mic gets plugged into their channel. So we will be asking artists to sign up for a mic check with their instruments so we can begin setting up their channel and our preset. We will ask artists to sign up on the Core list to come in at a specific time, starting at 1000. Please contact the iTeam with questions or for more information regarding the audio training.

(For those not interested in audio training, you're welcome to come at 10am and help us re-organize the worship resources and kids' toys in the cabinet and bins behind Jammin' Java.)

And finally, the Next Steps Team is pleased to see all of the energy bubbling up around the various ideals and emphases of CT. So we're looking forward to the congregational meeting on Sunday to get some updates from the various working groups that have been gathering since our last congregational meeting. We're not looking for 'deliverables' or action plans necessarily, but we'd love to hear how the process is going, what ideas are percolating, and where your energies and interests lie. We'll be meeting at the Rodman House (located in front of the Church of the Holy Comforter, 543 Beulah Rd NE, Vienna, VA 22180), starting promptly at 1pm. Please come ready to listen and learn how God is leading Common Table. (Also, the Amazing Jackie has aquired the services of several responsible babysitters, so bring any kids in your care and a few bucks to say 'thanks' for this great service.)

Looking forward to a big Sunday,
Mike Stavlund

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Thursday, March 18, 2010


March 15th through 21st

Hi church,

This weekend, we'll be gathering once again at 10am on Sunday at Jammin' Java. We will be reflecting on the Desert Fathers' tradition of self-imposed exile into the desert. Come prepared for an experiential service where we will invite each other to slow down and enter the desert together.

After the service, we'll repeat our Lenten practice from two weeks ago: we'll put the money that we'd normally spend at Chipotle in the Chipotle tip jar, and share a simple picnic lunch (please pack a sandwich or the like) in the park/playground across the street.

This is the last "regular" Sunday of Lent - the week after will be Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Look for details next week on our plans for Palm Sunday (including a simple service and an afternoon congregational meeting following up on our Next Steps process), and note that we won't be at Java in two weeks for Easter - instead, we're doing our first-ever Triduum Retreat in West Virginia.

And after that - Easter Season, the return of Lamb Center karaoke, and many joyous things.

But for now, may your Lenten journey be a fruitful one.

Mike Crtoghan

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Friday, March 12, 2010


March 8th through 14th

Hi church,

Well, like we said last week, Jammin' Java has asked us to take the week off because of a Sunday morning event they've scheduled. So no Sunday worship this week. I think some of the teams we created as part of the Next Steps discernment process might be finding times to meet (or at least conversing online) - but other than that, it's a free, rainy, early spring weekend. If you have any great ideas, let us know.

See you next Sunday, as Ken leads us in a reflection on the Desert Fathers.

Hope your Lent is blessed!

Mike Croghan

Thursday, March 4, 2010


March 1st through 7th

Hi church,

As we continue through Lent, we're also continuing with simple worship services. It seems like a good time to pause and reflect on this winter season, which is (thank God!) winding down toward warmer weather, spring, and Easter. So please join us at 10am on Sunday at Jammin' Java, when Ken and Dee will lead us in a reflection on the snowy, chilly season that was.

A few more notes:

- Two weeks ago, we failed to live up to our Lenten tradition of giving up our post-worship Chipotle lunch money, and donating it to folks who need it. This week, we plan to correct that. Please bring your money for Chipotle, but also pack a simple, portable lunch. If you're willing, we'll have a jar for money, and after worship we'll take the contents over to Chipotle and put it all in the tip jar there for our friends who have served us lo these many years - then we'll proceed to the nearby playground to share our packed lunches.

- It's the first Sunday of the month, so bring any unwanted books (on any subject) for Book Swap, and plan to take home some new reading material for free!

- Finally, next Sunday, the 14th, we will not be gathering at Jammin' Java for a worship service. Java's got a concert (or something) that morning, and they asked us to take next weekend off.

That's all for now - have a blessed Lent.

Mike Croghan

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