On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, February 25, 2010


February 22nd through 28th

Hey church,

Well, after kicking off Lent last weekend with (up to three) great parties and a worship service filled with lovely and meditative music, this weekend we've got no official CT Gatherings planned. In particular, it's the 4th Sunday of the month, so we won't be gathering for worship at Jammin' Java.

That said, I do have one resource and a couple of unofficial opportunities to recommend to you.

The resource is the 2010 Common Table Lenten Blog, a labor of love by our own artist and webmaestro Jon White, with help from the rest of us. Each post is one word, one drawing, and perhaps a short reflection, all of which are meant to draw us into the Lenten season of transformation. Check out the blog, or follow us on Twitter!

The first opportunity is a musical party featuring our friend Jay and his band Middle Distance Runner to raise money for the DC music showcase at SXSW in Austin Texas. It's at:

Austin Grill,
801 King Street, Alexandria, VA 703.684.8969
$5 cover, all ages, Friday Feb 26, 9pm to close. (MDR goes on at 11:45.)
Event site:
Austin Grill Site:

The second opportunity is an Art House Party featuring a silent auction of 50 pieces of donated artwork to raise funds and awareness for displaced Haitian orphans that are being sent to live in the already overcrowded orphanages in the Dominican Republic.

Saturday, February 27, 2010, 7:00pm - 11:55pm
(auction ends at 10:30; winners announced at 11pm)
Suggested Entry Donation: $10; ALL bids start at only $25!

Other than that, it's a free weekend. If you have good ideas, for fun, world-changing, or worship this weekend - let us know!

Mike Croghan

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


February 15th through 21st

Hi Church!

Hey, remember when we were going to have a party, and then there was a snowstorm, and later we had the party after all? Well, at the risk of deja vu, you are cordially invited to:
Jon White Inaugural Balderdash and Martini Contest

If you were part of the Jon White Pictionary Event last year, you will have some idea of what this year's event is going to be like. (And if you weren't there, click through to the slide show and you'll get a taste!) I'm not saying Michaele and Tareq Salahi will crash this party - just that they would like to.

Where: Pete and Jackie's (12644 Stoa Ct, Herndon, VA 20170)

When: Saturday, February 20, 7:30PM
Bring: Ingredients you believe should be included in the Perfect Martini.

Men - Black tie / International Man of Mystery
Women - Whatever goes with that

Balderdash and cards will be available.
(Yes, we know Lent just started. What's your point? Saturday is a feast day in the Common Table calendar of saints: the feast of St. Jon!)

If you're looking for a more contemplative, transformative way to begin the Lenten season, though, please join us at 10am on Sunday at Jammin' Java for our regular worship service, which will be a simple, meditative time of silence and chanting in the tradition of the Taize community. It's our third of these in recent months, with the fullest collection of gifted musicians yet to accompany us.

And that's all for this week. May your Lenten journey be blessed, and may it form you.

Mike Croghan

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010


February 8th through 14th

Hi church,

Well, as I write this, I'm told that Snowpocalypse III: Snowverkill will be winding down over the next few hours, and they don't seem to think there's another one on its heels this time. (C'mon, Old Man Winter, is that all ya got? I taunt you a second time! Ha!) Anyway, and accordingly, we don't intend to cancel anything this weekend. Are we clear? Excellent.

That said, as we dig out AGAIN, we aren't making big-time plans, either: Just a worship service, and a simple one, at that. So please join us at 10am on Sunday at at Jammin' Java for a simple liturgy in the Celtic tradition of Iona, Scotland. We'll spend some much-needed time together in worship, followed by fellowship at Chipotle.

And that's it for this week. Next week, we'll gather for our third (recent) service of contemplative chanting in the Taize tradition, so please plan to join us for that, as well.

Stay warm!

Mike Croghan

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Saturday, February 6, 2010


February 1st through 7th - UPDATED


The official score on this Super Bowl Snowpocalypse weekend: Snowmageddon 3, Common Table zero. Due to the overwhelming wintensity of the event some have dubbed snOMG 2010, we won't be attempting a worship gathering Sunday morning. See you next week, barring ice age - and be careful out there!


Hi church,

Well, last weekend, it snowed, and we postponed a party (new date still TBD), though we did have a great discussion with Mark Scandrette on Sunday evening.

This weekend...I don't know if you've heard...they're calling for some more snow. In fact, it seems, they're calling for SNOWPOCALYPSE PART DEUX! The sequel! In 3-D!

In light of that, we may or may not be having a service on Sunday morning. Watch this space for a decision on that. But if we do...

Please join us at 10am on Sunday at at Jammin' Java for a simple liturgy in the Celtic tradition of Iona, Scotland. We'll dig out and spend some much-needed time together in worship, followed by fellowship at Chipotle.

Or, we'll stay hunkered down at home and maybe help dig out some neighbors. Stay tuned.

Either way, God bless!

Mike Croghan


Thursday, February 4, 2010


February 1st through 7th

Hi church,

Well, last weekend, it snowed, and we postponed a party (new date still TBD), though we did have a great discussion with Mark Scandrette on Sunday evening.

This weekend...I don't know if you've heard...they're calling for some more snow. In fact, it seems, they're calling for SNOWPOCALYPSE PART DEUX! The sequel! In 3-D!

In light of that, we may or may not be having a service on Sunday morning. Watch this space for a decision on that. But if we do...

Please join us at 10am on Sunday at at Jammin' Java for a simple liturgy in the Celtic tradition of Iona, Scotland. We'll dig out and spend some much-needed time together in worship, followed by fellowship at Chipotle.

Or, we'll stay hunkered down at home and maybe help dig out some neighbors. Stay tuned.

Either way, God bless!

Mike Croghan

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