On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


December 28th, 2009 - January 3rd, 2010

Hi church,

Two events to speak of this week. First, let's have a Sesame Street New Year's Eve party!

Where? Tina and Mike's place: 13337 Feldman Place, Herndon, VA 20170

When? 6pm - midnight (and beyond!), Thursday, 31 December, 2009

What? Come dressed as your favorite Sesame Street Character for extra points! Or, just come as yourself. We will provide some munchies and beverages, our karaoke machine, one dog and one cat (if you're very allergic, please note!), and a party atmosphere.

Second, we'll be gathering for our first worship service of the new year at 10am on Sunday at Jammin' Java. To start the year off on the right foot, our first gathering will be simple and prayerful.

And that's all for this year. See you in the next!

Mike Croghan


Monday, December 21, 2009


December 21st through 27th

Merry Christmas from Common Table!

We aren't planning any official gatherings. Hope you're gathering with family and friends, and that your celebration of the Nativity is a warm and joyous one! If you're looking for someone to spend Christmas with, please do contact us and we'll do our best to hook you up.

Peace, joy,
The Common Table


Saturday, December 19, 2009


December 14th through 20th - UPDATED AGAIN

SECOND UPDATE: OK, we're cancelling Sunday's worship service, AND the Christmas party scheduled for today, Saturday, due to the Winter Wallop. Stay tuned for deets on a possible Epiphany Party, and stay warm and safe!

Hey church,

As we slog toward the solstice, hope your Advent is bright! We have three items on the table for this week:

First, our new-ish Mid-Week Gathering is getting together tonight (Thursday) evening at about 7pm, and we're going Christmas caroling! We might also do some personal storytelling. And there will certainly be cocoa. And prayer! If you'd like to join us tonight, or you want to find out more about these gatherings, give us a shout - we don't always mention them here due to timing and changing plans, but we can get you in the loop.

Second, on Saturday we will NOT have our annual CT Christmas Party! (The winter storm has stopped us.) :-(

Third, we will NOT gather for worship at 10am on Sunday at Jammin' Java. If we had, here's what Amy Moffitt had to say about the service:

We're wrapping up our 3 part Advent series on waiting through Mary's eyes by pulling our focus in even further to the Magnificat itself as the battle cry of the revolutionary, a picture of God's coming Kingdom on earth... the powerful overthrown, the poor made rich. And we'll consider what it means to view Mary--and what God was doing through Mary-- through that lens, as a political rebel, and overthrower of the status quo.

So you could meditate on while you're snowed in. :-)

And fourth, well, if we don't see you before then, have a very merry and joyful Christmas! And stay tuned for deets on the great Common Table New Year's Party. It will be brought to you by the number 10 and the letter X. Get your Bert and Ernie groove ready.

Mike Croghan

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December 14th through 20th - UPDATED

UPDATE: The Christmas party scheduled for today, Saturday, has been cancelled (or at least postponed) due to the Winter Wallop. Stay tuned for deets on a possible Epiphany Party! We're not cancelling Sunday's worship service yet - but stay tuned about that too.

Hey church,

As we slog toward the solstice, hope your Advent is bright! We have three items on the table for this week:

First, our new-ish Mid-Week Gathering is getting together tonight (Thursday) evening at about 7pm, and we're going Christmas caroling! We might also do some personal storytelling. And there will certainly be cocoa. And prayer! If you'd like to join us tonight, or you want to find out more about these gatherings, give us a shout - we don't always mention them here due to timing and changing plans, but we can get you in the loop.

Second, on Saturday we NOT will have our annual CT Christmas Party! (The winter storm has stopped us.) :-(

Third, we'll (hopefully) gather for worship at 10am on Sunday at Jammin' Java. Here's Amy Moffitt:

We're wrapping up our 3 part Advent series on waiting through Mary's eyes by pulling our focus in even further to the Magnificat itself as the battle cry of the revolutionary, a picture of God's coming Kingdom on earth... the powerful overthrown, the poor made rich. And we'll consider what it means to view Mary--and what God was doing through Mary-- through that lens, as a political rebel, and overthrower of the status quo.

And fourth, well, if we don't see you before then, have a very merry and joyful Christmas! And stay tuned for deets on the great Common Table New Year's Party. It will be brought to you by the number 10 and the letter X. Get your Bert and Ernie groove ready.

Mike Croghan

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Thursday, December 17, 2009


December 14th through 20th

Hey church,

As we slog toward the solstice, hope your Advent is bright! We have three items on the table for this week:

First, our new-ish Mid-Week Gathering is getting together tonight (Thursday) evening at about 7pm, and we're going Christmas caroling! We might also do some personal storytelling. And there will certainly be cocoa. And prayer! If you'd like to join us tonight, or you want to find out more about these gatherings, give us a shout - we don't always mention them here due to timing and changing plans, but we can get you in the loop.

Second, on Saturday we will have our annual CT Christmas Party! (And no winter storm will stop us!!) Deets:

Where: Fairfax Station Railroad Museum
11200 Fairfax Station Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039-1011

When: 4pm - 8pm, including chili contest, gingerbread house contest, food, drink, and fellowship!

Third, we'll gather for worship at 10am on Sunday at Jammin' Java. Here's Amy Moffitt:

We're wrapping up our 3 part Advent series on waiting through Mary's eyes by pulling our focus in even further to the Magnificat itself as the battle cry of the revolutionary, a picture of God's coming Kingdom on earth... the powerful overthrown, the poor made rich. And we'll consider what it means to view Mary--and what God was doing through Mary-- through that lens, as a political rebel, and overthrower of the status quo.

And fourth, well, if we don't see you before then, have a very merry and joyful Christmas! And stay tuned for deets on the great Common Table New Year's Party. It will be brought to you by the number 10 and the letter X. Get your Bert and Ernie groove ready.

Mike Croghan

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Friday, December 11, 2009


December 7th through 13th

This week (Sunday at 10am at Jammin' Java) we continue with our Advent contemplation of Mary's experiences of waiting by stepping back from the mundane to the miraculous, contemplating what it was like to wait for the birth of the Messiah. We'll start by pulling Mary's very human experience closer to us by hearing from some of the Moms in our congregation about their experiences of waiting for childbirth, with all that entails: change, joy, pain, sadness, boredom, sickness and joyful anticipation... lives disrupted, shattered, turned upside down, and yes, made whole again... the eucatastrophe of conceiving and bringing another soul into our beautiful, broken world.

If you haven't had kids or can't have kids, please come out and join us anyway. You were a kid, remember? You're part of this, too.

And we'll see where that takes us.

And then we'll eat burritos.

- Amy Moffitt


Friday, December 4, 2009


November 30 through December 6

Hey! It's December, and you know what that means, right? Chri--- whoa, hold yer horses, there, pardner! not so fast...

At least in our pseudo-liturgical kinda-tradition, the days leading up to December 25 are about waiting. Or, in other words, Advent. That time of year when we restrain all of our rushing toward Christmas, and encapsulate some of the unfulfilled hopes we have as we slow down and focus on the waiting that all of creation is doing for the fulfillment of God's purposes. We wait for the Christ child, and we wait for the completion of all of his hopes and dreams for the world.

So we hope you can come out and wait with us this Sunday at 10am at Jammin' Java. We'll be sharpening our sense of expectancy and sharing our hopes with one another. And, we may even let out a groan or two. It'll be fun and poignant, restrained and effusive. And we'll eat burritos afterward.

Hope to see you there,
Mike Stavlund



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