On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, September 25, 2009


September 21st through 27th

Hi church,

Well, it's the fourth Sunday of the month so as per usual, we're not going to be at Jammin' Java for worship. And given that we've been away from Java for four out of the last five Sundays, that "as per usual" is seeming more apt than ever. The good news - for those who actually enjoy things like reliability and predictability - is that starting on October 4th, we're going to be back to our usual schedule with three worship services per month at JJ. The...typical...news is that we have no idea what we're going to be exploring, or how, when we go back to that schedule. This is because we've not yet determined,

"What are we going to do next, together?"

Providentially, this will be the topic of our quarterly congregational meeting, which will happen this Sunday, starting at 1pm, at Kate and Matt and Lizzy and Maddie's house. (If you can, please bring some food or bevvies to share for a "light snack/bring potluck". If you can't, don't sweat it!) This timing will give us the opportunity to worship with another community Sunday morning, if we want to - perhaps with our friends at New Hope Fellowship. If you care about the Common Table, you are invited to this meeting!

Finally, excitement is appropriate(!) because we'll be gathering at The Lamb Center next Friday night (October 2nd) from 6:30 to 8 for Karaoke. Kids are especially welcome, and there will be pizza and soda for everyone. We'll join new and old friends, nom some pizza, and sing like joy is more important than refinement - because it is!

That's all for now. BTW, it's official - welcome to autumn! God is good.

Mike Croghan

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Thursday, September 17, 2009


September 14th through 20th


Yep, we're campin' this weekend. Again. If you're someone who would really like to join us for worship, and you're wondering whether we ever actually do show up at Jammin' Java on Sunday mornings like we're rumored to do...we hear you, and we miss you, honestly. This is just how we are: the call of the wild, it can't be refused.

But...come join us! We'll be camping at Big Meadows Campground in the Shenandoah National Park, only a couple of hours away, from Friday afternoon through at least Sunday afternoon (and I think some of us are staying until Monday). We'd love to have you along. If you're interested, please contact us. If you're worried about transportation or gear or lack of experience - no worries! We'll sort it out.

And next weekend...we won't be at Jammin' Java either. This is our normal pattern for fourth Sundays, and this particular fourth Sunday will be the occasion for our quarterly congregational meeting, in which we will begin, in our semi-chaotic fashion, to try to discern what we're going to do next, together, as a quirky little community of faith. If you care about the Common Table, you are invited to this meeting, which will probably take place in someone's home on Sunday the 27th - watch this space for deets when we have them.

And that's all I got. Enjoy the cooler weather, the company of friends, and all of God's many blessings!

Mike Croghan

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009


September 8th through 13th

Hi church,

We didn't carefully plan it this way - honest - but we're in the middle of a long stretch where we're mostly away from our usual location at Jammin' Java: we went camping two weeks ago, and had our church anniversary picnic this past weekend....weekend after next, we're camping again, and the week after that, we'll gather for our postponed quarterly Congregational Meeting, where we'll work on discerning where our communal adventure might take us next.

But this Sunday, right in the midst of all this gallivanting around, we'll gather at Jammin' Java at 10am for our only proper worship service this month. It'll be a Simple Service, and sort of preparatory for the congregational meeting: we'll spend some time exploring, together, some of the ideas that most excite and motivate us. And before that, at 9:30, we'll be making joyful noise with the 9:30AM Club, our pre-service, free and open worship music space (you're welcome to strum, drum, sing, dance, or just listen.) Please join us for one or both of those Sunday morning gatherings!

And that's the news on this lovely, breezy early-autumn week.

Mike Croghan

P.S., Feel free to spare some prayers, and also some envy, for the Stavlund family and other friends who are outside Chicago this week talking theology with Jurgen Moltmann!

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Thursday, September 3, 2009


August 31 through September 7

**Note:  republished to fix the bad link to The Lahey House.  Thanks to Mr. Vinny for pointing it out.  Enjoy your Sunday, and we hope to see you tomorrow. 

It's Labor Day weekend, which means-- among many other things-- the anniversary of the church family that many of us call 'home'.  This will be our 8th anniversary celebration, which will bring us back to some of our roots.  We'll be enjoying the hospitality of our old friend Rosemary, who was a part of the church from the very beginning.  She's currently living at  The Lahey House, an historic property and Fairfax County Park, which is a place of good memories for many of us (we used to have regular parties there, and held several worship services there, too).  So we'll be gathering at about 11am on Monday (not Sunday!) to light the grills and share some lunch together, after which we'll drive up the road to walk the labyrinth at the Church of the Holy Comforter.

Anyone is welcome to join us for any and all of the low-key festivities.  If you're comfortable walking a few hundred yards, please park on the road outside the gate at the Lahey House.  Otherwise, there will be several parking spaces available close to the house.  Please bring chairs and picnic gear (and a portable table, if you've got one), and some food to share.   There will be two grills available-- gas and charcoal-- so we can have a friendly grill competition (I'll be bringing some charcoal  ;-).  Bring whatever outdoor games or gear you like:  there's plenty of room for running around, throwing something, hiking in the woods, contemplative prayer, sitting around, or telling tall tales to the young'uns from the history of Common Table.   And if you'd like to drop by for the labyrinth only, feel free to call me on the church cell phone (703.304.1161) and I'll keep you apprised of the schedule as it develops. 

Oh, and don't forget that we'll be gathering at The Lamb Center this Friday night from 6:30 to 8 for Karaoke.  Kids are especially welcome, and there will be pizza and soda for everyone.  It's always a great time to gather with friend new and old and sing till we're humble again. 

Happy Extended Weekend,
Mike Stavlund


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