On The Table
The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 27 through August 2
This week, we'll be jumping head-first into CT's first official Lectiolabyrinphony.
What is it, you ask? Well, we'd be honored to have you come and find out as we explore it together. In the meantime, let me break down the name for you in the hopes of piquing your interest:
LectionaryLabyrinthSymphonySuffice to say, you'll get your full dose of Scripture this week, along with an earful of some stellar musicians, plus a chance to sing an original song, all in the hip environs of
Jammin' Java. The band will be leading worship music at 9:30, and our regular service starts at 10am. Try it; you'll like it. Or your money back.
Next week, our monthly Karaoke night at
The Lamb Center moves up and back at the same time. In an effort to allow greater participation, it'll now happen on the first Friday of each month. So, Karaoke is next Friday evening, August 7 from 6:30 - 8pm. Hope you can come out to catch up with friends, to have some fun, and to hear some spirited singing. Oh, and pizza, natch.
See you soon,
Mike Stavlund
Labels: karaoke, lamb center, music
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 20th through 26th
Hi church,
This delightful summer stretches on, and now we've made it to the last weekend in July. Since this is a fourth Sunday, we won't be gathering for worship at Jammin' Java. Instead, we'll be joining our friends at
New Hope Fellowship, worshiping at 10:50am and then, as always, sticking around (if we want) for the abundant lunch spread. This would be a particularly good week to join us for this service, and I'll give you three good reasons:
1) It's an opportunity to connect or reconnect with the folks at New Hope. If you've never been there, or if it's been a while, their legendary hospitality and is more then reason enough.
2) Our own Jen Way will be leading worship music once again, perhaps with some special guests!
3) Finally, New Hope will be hosting a particularly wet-behind-the-ears rookie guest preacher, and I have first-hand - even first-person - knowledge that he's pretty nervous about this, and could really use your moral support. And also your responsiveness when he tries to get a little interactive in his sermon. (Help!!) ;-)
And that's about it for this weekend, as far as I know. Next weekend: back at Jammin' Java for Lectiolabyrinphony! What the heck is that, you ask? ...See you next week!
Hoping your summer is blessed,
Mike Croghan
Labels: New Hope
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 13 - 19
In an unbelievable turn of events, we'll hit the mid point of July this week. Time to take stock of your summer and determine whether you're enjoying your full share of ice cream cones, outdoor play times, light-hearted reading, watermelon and afternoon naps in the shade. If you find yourself lacking in any of these areas, I recommend you prepare your "Out of Office" message immediately and begin to rectify the situation...
Our Common Table summer celebrations will continue this week with Karaoke at
the Lamb Center on Thursday. Come on out to fellowship, laugh and share a meal with our friends there. We'll be there from 6:30 to 8:00, but if one night isn't enough for you this week, feel free to come on out again on Friday for movie night. Our friends at
New Hope will be hosting movie night from 6:30 to 8:00 on Friday.
Sunday at 10:00 AM we'll find ourselves back at
Jammin' Java for a particularly season-appropriate all-ages service. At our last all-ages service we discussed the idea of the "Abundant Life" that Jesus offers us. This week we'll take a look at some of the characteristics of an abundant life as we consider the Fruit of the Spirit. As usual with an all-ages service, we'll be asking everyone to contribute, so be thinking this week about those defining characteristics of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We'll continue our tradition of joining our kids on the floor, so feel free to bring blankets and/or cushions to make yourself as comfortable as possible.
Have a great week -- and don't forget to enjoy a summer treat,
Labels: all ages, karaoke, lamb center, summer
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 6 through 12
On a Sunday morning a few weeks ago, we spent time thinking about the importance of nonverbal communication. But what happens when the nonverbal cues don't line up with the message or idea being presented in a way we might expect? Can God's Kingdom exist in dark places? Does seeking the light mean being only light-hearted? And what of using religious sounding epithets to incite hate? How are we to make sense of this?
At 10am this Sunday at Jammin' Java we will look at one way to think about all of this that may be helpful - and discuss other ways that may be helpful to sort through ideas. Bring your examples of confusing messages and contribute your thoughts during a discussion time as we refine the ideas we will present in "Vector Theology". We promise there won’t be too much math on your summer vacation.
Also, please remember that you are welcome to come early at 9:30 for an acoustic session of worship music. Bring an instrument (and an amp, if you like), your voice, and your kids if they're willing to dance. Or just bring yourself to pile into a chair and quietly soak in all of the above.
Looking forward, don't forget that we'll be gathering at The Lamb Center on Thursday, July 16 for a night of Karaoke with our friends there. As always, its a great chance to connect with others through music, and to give and receive some joy. Plan to enjoy some pizza, too. It's from 6:30 to 8pm. (And as a heads-up, please note that Karaoke will switch to first Fridays, starting in August.)
See you soon,
Mike Stavlund
Labels: Vectors
Thursday, July 2, 2009
June 29th through the 5th of July
Hi church,
Well, summer's in full swing, and here's the 4th of July, all of a sudden. Hope you're having some fun for the holiday weekend - as for Common Table Church, we're kind of chillin'. We'll be gathering at 9:30am on Sunday at
Jammin' Java for free and open worship music (bring your axe, your pipes, or just your ears and join the joyful noise), and then at 10am for this month's Simple Worship Service.
We usually more-or-less ignore secular and "Hallmark" Holidays at CT, unless it's an excuse to have a party - but in this case, our country's Independence Day had me thinking about invading space aliens destroying the White House. Wait - no, that's not right. I mean freedom. It got me thinking about freedom, and what that word might mean. So on Sunday, we'll do a simple Celtic communion liturgy, and pepper it with diverse perspectives on "freedom" from Scripture, popular songs, and (of course) us opinionated Commoners. So join us, and let's find out what we think it means to be "free".
Or, if you're going to be out of town enjoying family, friends, the great outdoors, etc. - then you can just have fun
demonstrating freedom. And let us know what wild and crazy stuff you got up to!
Mike Croghan
Labels: simple
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