On The Table
The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
May 25th through 31st
Hey church,
This week, the season of resurrection we call Easter draws to a close, and this Sunday we commemorate another day when everything changed: Pentecost, fifty days after Easter, when the Holy Spirit came, and the Church - women and men, old and young -
was set on fire, and sent to bring that fire into the world.
won't be celebrating Pentecost with a service at Jammin' Java, since it's the last weekend of the month. But we will be remembering that day in an appropriate manner: by coming together around the Table in one of our occasional congregational meetings. We'll invite the Spirit to inspire the thoughts, words, and prayers of each of us - women and men, old and young - as we try to discern together what God is calling us to, both within our community (particularly on Sunday mornings) and in the wider world (through our giving of relational presence, volunteer time, and maybe even money). We'll gather at
Kate and Matt and Lizzy and Maddie's house at 11am on Sunday.
Everybody is welcome around the Table (this means you!) as we talk, pray, and hope to discern together where that wild old Spirit is leading us now.
And that's it for this week. Next week: it's Karaoke Thursday at the
Lamb Center again (6:30-8pm)! If you're chasing the Spirit this Pentecost, I recommend checking in there. :-)
Mike Croghan
Labels: congregational meeting, karaoke, lamb center, Pentecost
Friday, May 22, 2009
May 18 through 24
Dust off those white shoes, get out your tank top, and put some gas in the grill-- it's Memorial Day weekend! If you're not traveling on this long weekend, we hope to connect on Sunday morning. In our intentionally off-balance schedule, this is a week where we get out of our normal routine at Jammin' Java and get out to meet some people on their own turf. And as we continue to explore how we can be friends and partners with
New Hope Fellowship, we're joining them for worship service on Sunday morning at 10:50 (please note the start time, so that you don't embarrass yourself and show up --*gasp*--
early!) Our own amazing and talented Jen Way will be leading the singing, and you're more than welcome to stay for the free lunch after church.
Since May has 5 Sundays this year, we'll also be away from Jammin' Java next Sunday. Instead, we'll be having a Congregational Meeting at 11am at the home of Matt, Kate, Lizzy, and Maddie, where we'll be talking about finances (don't cringe-- it's good news!), our ongoing efforts to serve our neighbors, and plain old praying for one another. Hope you can make it, whether you are new or old to the church-- everyone is always welcome, and absolutely everyone has a voice at the Common Table.
Happy Weekend,
Mike Stavlund
Thursday, May 14, 2009
May 11th through 17th
Hi church!
I don't know about you, but I've been digging the cooler weather. This is what I call spring! And new life continues to bust out all over - which is, like, a pretty good metaphor for this ongoing season of Easter.
So please join us on Sunday morning (10am at
Jammin' Java) for our All-Ages worship service, as we join together in looking at these themes of Easter, Resurrection, and new creation through the eyes of our kids. My guess? They'll see this stuff way more clearly than us old people do.
And then, if you're interested, everyone is welcome to come to Tina's and my place (
13337 Feldman Pl., Herndon, VA, 20170) on Sunday afternoon for a combination Barn-Raising and Garbage Plate Cookout! (Say what, now?) "Barn-Raisings" are something we've been doing for a year or so (since Maranda had the genius idea - though we'd actually been doing them for years without the cool Amish-inspired name) where we come together as a church to help someone accomplish a "many hands make light work" sort of task. In our case, we'll be replacing flooring in our (very small) dining room, and also building a raised-bed garden box. And Garbage Plates? Well,
just read this, bring me some meat, and I'll grill it and make ya a plate. Cool? Cool.
Work will probably begin around 2pm, and we'll shift into food/party mode between 5 and 6pm. You're welcome to join us at any time - there is no need to participate in the Barn-Raising to come to the party. It's a party, yo.
And that, as they say, is that. Happy Easter!
Mike Croghan
Labels: all ages, barn-raising, Easter
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
May 4th through 10th
Hi church!
Spring, and the Easter season, proceed apace, and both are chock full of blessings, if we have eyes to see them. One such blessing: it's the return of
Karaoke at
The Lamb Center! THIS Thursday, May 7th, from 6:30 to 8pm. Come and join us as guests of the shelter and volunteers alike let our hair down, sing, encourage each other, nom some pizza, and see what the Spirit is up to as we make some joyful (if not always tuneful!) noise. :-)
Then, please join us on Sunday morning at 10am (yes, srsly, 10am - not 10:25 - srsly!) at
Jammin' Java for our May Simple Service, as we try to live into this season of Easter, of Resurrection. We'll sing some Easter hymns, and have some discussions about this weird thing we call resurrection: what did it mean for Jesus two millennia ago, what might it mean for us one day, and (last but not least) what does all this mean to us
now, as the Church of the Common Table in Northern Virginia in AD 2009?
And that's all I have to say. Except, you know...he is risen! Alleluia!
Mike Croghan
Labels: Easter, karaoke, lamb center
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