Easter continues as we make our gradual return to (what is commonly referred to as) 'normalcy' at Common Table. This Sunday, we'll be back at
Jammin' Java, finding our creative groove as we consider 'Spring' and
Psalm 77. As you notice the fresh greenery all around, and as you experience the sustaining rains over the next few days, consider the new life that God is nurturing in you just now. Then bring those ideas to our communal encounter with this remarkable piece of Scripture.
In other news, a team of folks from inside and outside our church are announcing that we'll be returning to our tradition of hosting
Karaoke at
The Lamb Center again, beginning Thursday, May 7, from 6:30 to 8pm. These fun and transforming get-togethers will continue on the first Thursday of each month. And don't forget that we're welcome to join New Hope Church's movie nights there on the 3rd Friday of each month, too.
He is Risen,
Mike Stavlund
Labels: Easter, karaoke, lamb center, Psalms
Hi church!
I hope you're feeling God's blessings during this beautiful spring season. As the third Sunday of Easter approaches, remember: we are a people with every reason to hope for astonishing reversals and amazing grace.
And this Sunday, we'll return to a place where such things happen all the time: New Hope Fellowship, where Jen will be leading worship music Sunday at 10:50am. We'll probably continue joining New Hope on "last Sundays" as we further pursue our friendships there, so please join us for worship and a shared meal. Remember it's helpful to leave our cars at the ball fields just
north of the community center where
New Hope meets.
Or, there's an alternate opportunity for a shared lunch and fellowship on Sunday. If you're one of those who is hooked into that leafy-green-logo-thing called "
Emergent Village", you might be aware that there's a
Big Meeting going on this weekend, right here in DC, to discern the future of that organization - or at least the beginning of a way forward for its leadership and structure. Some of the folks who will be here from out of town are interested in getting together with local DC folk, and to that end, we've got a private room reserved at
Guapos in Bethesda for a 1pm lunch gathering this coming Sunday, the 26th. Everyone's invited, so please join us!
And that's all I've got. :-) I'll keep saying it until Pentecost: happy Easter!
Mike Croghan
Labels: Easter, Emergent Village, New Hope
Alleluia! He is risen!Happy Easter, everybody! To those of us brought up [properly] in the so-called "high church" or liturgical traditions, Easter is not a single day, but a 50-day season of the Church year, ending with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. So, welcome to the first week of Easter. Our Lord is risen! The world is changed - utterly. Let's celebrate!
We have something else to celebrate this Sunday: after a Lenten season (through Easter Sunday) spent with our sisters and brothers at New Hope Fellowship, this Sunday we return to our customary digs at
Jammin' Java (10am) for our first Common Table-led worship service since Lent began. It will be a little like a homecoming, so we'll explore themes of "Home" together as we begin to wonder what God might have been up to in our Lenten journey with New Hope, and what God might be leading us to now. If you haven't done so yet, you might want to check out our
Lenten blog to see what some of us have shared about our experience of that season this year.
And that's all I know. Please join us as we begin this season of hope, life, and beauty!
Mike Croghan
Labels: Easter
Hi church,
It's Holy Week. In this, the most sacred time of the Church year, we remember our Lord's last days on this earth. We recall his final acts and teachings. His sharing of bread and wine and the tender service of foot-washing. His betrayal, arrest, Passion, and death. And, on Easter Sunday, his Resurrection: death overcome, Love triumphant.
Just as we've journeyed through Lent together, we'll be sharing the celebration of Easter with our brothers and sisters at New Hope Fellowship, Sunday at 10:50am. You can join us for breakfast at 9am, and stay for a celebratory feast after the service. If you don't mind the short walk, we can relieve some parking burdens by leaving our cars at the ball fields just
north of the community center where
New Hope meets.
But before that celebration, it would be good to spend some time walking through this last, dark week with Jesus. There are many ways to do that, including moving liturgies of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday in the area - please
contact us and we can let you know of some.
One powerful way to encounter Holy Week would be to journey through the creative, participatory Stations of the Cross that have been crafted by folks at our sister congregation, Holy Grounds, on the lower level of
Fairlington Presbyterian Church. Some Common Table folks also contributed to these stations, which have been designed to arrest, challenge, and even accuse the one who journeys through them, in a deeply personal way. They'll be available for pilgrimage at the following times:
Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm and 8:30-9:30pm
Thursday 6:30-7:30pm & 8:30-9:30pm
Friday 7-9pm
Saturday 10am-12pm
And that's all, for this holiest of weeks. May the remainder of your Lenten journey be transformative, and on Easter, may you share the joy of abundant life - sprung wondrously, gloriously, impossibly, from evil and death.
Mike Croghan
Labels: Easter, Holy Week, lent, New Hope
Our Lenten experiment-- giving up church for Lent-- continues to be a stretching, rewarding, productive, and engaging time. We're developing some great relationships and thinking some new thoughts (some of which are posted at our
Lenten blog), and moving quickly toward an Easter celebration with some people who know a thing or two about redemption and resurrection!
This week, we'll be watching the kids waving their palm fronds at New Hope Fellowship, as we remember Jesus' triumphal and tragic entry into Jerusalem to begin Holy Week. If you're able to join us, please remember that breakfast is available at 9am, but the worship service doesn't start until 10:50. If you don't mind the short walk, we can relieve some parking burdens by leaving our cars at the ball fields just
north of the community center where
New Hope Fellowship meets. As always, lunch is a high point of the day, and is provided for everyone in attendance.
Hope you can make it!
Mike Stavlund
Labels: lent, New Hope