Hi church,
Sorry for the lateness of this update! We're in this unusual Lenten space of just "being" with another congregation, and not so much "doing" - so it's easy to lose track of regular admin stuff. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. ;-)
At the same time, it's hard to come up with new stuff to say, so I'm going to mostly quote from Mike's update last week:
Lent continues in an unusual and fruitful way for us this year, as we fold our normal tent at Jammin' Java and join our friends at New Hope Fellowship. What might have been a bit of an awkward arrangement has been wonderful and completely comfortable, thanks to the staggering hospitality and genuine friendship of the folks there. Even if you've never been to a 'normal' CT service, you should come on out to New Hope and feel the love.
To facilitate the sharing of our thoughts and experiences, we've started a group blog. Check it out, and if you want to find out how to contribute to it, contact us. We'd be grateful for your perspective.
The church service starts promptly at 10:50, and lunch is served afterward before we put everything away to clear out of the community center by 1pm.
Finally, parking at New Hope meets is very limited. So if we could park at the ballfields just north of there, that'd be swell.
And that's all I've got! Peace and blessings to you and yours this Lenten season!
Mike Croghan
Labels: lent, New Hope
Dear Church--
Lent continues in an unusual and fruitful way for us this year, as we fold our normal tent at Jammin' Java and join our friends at
New Hope Fellowship. What might have been a bit of an awkward arrangement has been wonderful and completely comfortable, thanks to the staggering hospitality and genuine friendship of the folks there. Even if you've never been to a 'normal' CT service, you should come on out to New Hope and feel the love.
To facilitate the sharing of our thoughts and experiences, we've started
a group blog. Check it out, and if you want to find out how to contribute to it,
contact us. We'd be grateful for your perspective.
The church service starts promptly at
10:50, and lunch is served afterward before we put everything away to clear out of the community center by 1pm.
parking at New Hope meets is very limited. So if we could park at the ballfields just
north of there, that'd be swell.
Mike Stavlund
Labels: lent, New Hope
Hi church,
This Sunday, we'll continue the Lenten practice we're adopting this year: walking with another congregation,
New Hope Fellowship, and "giving up church as we know it" in favor of serving and building friendships with the people of New Hope, many of whom are homeless. Last week, although their pastor was away leading a retreat and most of the folks who were there didn't expect a whole bunch of new people (including lots of kids!) to show up for worship, I heard story after story of how welcoming and hospitable the New Hope folks were. We're off to a good start, I think.
This Sunday, Pastor Pat is back, and she's asked us to help provide worship music. If you have musical talent and would like to help with that,
let us know and we'll hook you up. We also might have the opportunity to do something for/with kids during worship. And we're always welcome to bring some food to share in the group meal that follows every worship service (but there's always abundance at New Hope, so there is no need to bring food - all are invited to partake).
By the way, we've started
a group blog as a place to share about our experiences this Lent. Check it out, and if you want to find out how to contribute to it,
contact us. We'd be grateful for your perspective.
Finally, here are two important things to know when joining us at New Hope (besides
the location; we are
not meeting at Jammin' Java):
Time. New Hope starts their service promptly at 10:50am. However, there's ample fellowship time both before and after the service; you're welcome to arrive early.
Parking. New Hope meets in a community center which has very limited parking. So if we could park at the ballfields just
north of there, we won't cramp their style too much.
I think that's it! I hope you're finding time this Lenten season to allow God to shape you. If so, perhaps you could teach me how to do that? :-\
Mike Croghan
Labels: lent, New Hope
At a church as young as Common Table, we can hardly claim many 'traditions,' but we have developed some general practices over the past few Lenten seasons. We tend to do things that are simple and service-oriented, and in that great Lenten tradition of sacrifice, we try to challenge ourselves by forgoing our weekly Eucharistic meal at Chipotle in favor of a simple (read 'cheap') meal in someone's home.
So it's no surprise that the idea which came out of our team planning session for Lent takes all of these small traditions and expand them a bit: we'll be giving up church as we know it for Lent. Every Sunday through Easter, we'll be meeting with our friends at
New Hope Fellowship, a church oriented toward homeless people. We'll be there to learn from them and their practices, and to serve them in whatever way we can. It's something we're very excited about.
Now if you're reading this and are a bit nervous or uncertain, or feel as though you'll be pushed out of your comfort zone, then welcome to Lent! But if you're worried that visiting a church like this might be awkward, then fear not: the people of New Hope are among the most hospitable and welcoming on the planet. You'll be greeted like an old friend, and compelled to stay after the worship service for lunch-- something they do each week.
So come one and all, and as you do, please remember two things:
Time. New Hope starts their service promptly at 10:50am. Factor that later start with the happy news that Daylight Savings Time starts this week, and you should make it right on time.
Parking. New Hope meets in a community center which has very limited parking. So if we could park at the ballfields just
north of there, we won't cramp their style too much.
Hope to see you soon, and with best wishes for a significant Lenten season,
Mike Stavlund
Labels: lent, New Hope