On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Thursday, January 29, 2009


January 26th through February 1st

Hey church,

Are you ready to party? Because, well, you better be. 'Cause that's what we're doing this weekend. OK? OK!

(Specifically, we will not be gathering at Jammin' Java this Sunday - it's Super Bowl Sunday, and the JJ folks have plans to use their facility all day for related events. But that doesn't mean we can't hang out around the Table!)

Firstly, the well-known social club and gaming establishment, House of Bulanow, will indeed play host to the Mr. Jon White Pictionary Gala and Tournament of Champions this Friday, the 30th of January, in the year of our Lord, these two thousand and nine years at 7:30 in the evening. The dress code: tuxedo for gentlemen, formal prom or bridesmaid dress for ladies. (Or, lacking that, Serious Effort put into one's costume will, of course, be honored.) The Tournament itself is full, but all are welcome as spectators. The food / beverage theme of the evening is "sophisticated espionage". Any contributions fitting that theme will be accepted gratefully.

Then, on Sunday, are you read for some football?!? Then let's head down to the Maisel Sports Pub (Kate and Matt's house) for a Super Bowl party! Show up at 5pm on Sunday or anytime after - kickoff's at 6-something. Wear whatever you want! Bring some beer or finger food, or better yet, your tasty entry for the Chicken Wing Cookoff competition! Football! Steelers! Cards! Terrible Towels! Fried food! Brewskis! You gotta be there! 'Nuff said!

Next Sunday, we'll get back to worship services. We promise. It'll be a little something called "Love's Divine". Epic musical worship. It'll blow you away. Srsly. Be there.

That's it for now. See you at the parties. Peace!

Mike Croghan

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Friday, January 23, 2009


January 19th through 25th

Hi church,

Well, it's a free weekend. It's the last weekend of the month, so we're NOT gathering at Jammin' Java this Sunday. We had a service-worship project we were talking about, but it didn't materialize. (Maybe next week.) So - nothing to report!

If you have any bright ideas for cool things to do this weekend - from attending some other community's worship service to having some kind of party (we're always up for a party!), please let us know.

Next weekend is Super Bowl weekend, and Jammin' Java has plans to use their facility all day for related events, so we won't be there next Sunday either. That said, several things are brewing for that weekend - from service-worship (maybe) to a football-related party of our own, so watch this space for details.

In two weeks (Feb. 8th), we'll return to JJ, and it will be epic. Our Musical Worship Design Team is putting together an amazing time of tuneful worship - just in time for Valentine's Day. It will be called, "Love is Divine". Mark your calendar.

So that's it! Give us a shout if you'd like us all to crash your party this weekend. :-)

Mike Croghan

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Saturday, January 17, 2009


January 12th through 18th

Hi church!

Sorry for the lateness of your weekly guide to what's happening around the Table - the good news is, if you've been waiting with bated breath to find out what we're doing this weekend, we've got something really cool in store!

Sunday at 10am, we'll gather at Jammin' Java for the service that's at the heart of (and the inspiration for) our current worship series, "God Loves Us". Our All-Ages team has designed a service exploring God's love for all of us, in ways that all of us can enter into together - little kids, big kids, adults, and those of us who aren't quite sure where we fit on that spectrum. :-) We'll have the opportunity to help bless, and share a little of God's love with, some folks who are connected to us yet are experiencing loneliness, because they are apart from family and loved ones. Please join us as Commoners and friends of all ages celebrate God's love for every one of God' children! We'll be on the floor with our little ones again this week, so please bring a blanket and/or pillow to sit on.

After that, we'll be away from Jammin' Java for two weeks, and we're dreaming up some service projects and fellowship opportunities for those weekends - stay tuned for deets.

That's it for now - as we continue in this season of Epiphany, with days so short and really, REALLY cold, let's look for opportunities to share a bit of God's light and warmth with others. And stay safe and sane next week as DC celebrates a historic inauguration! If you're going into the city, bring us back stories! :-)

Mike Croghan

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Sunday, January 4, 2009


January 5th through 11th

Hi church,

Happy New Year! Oh, that was last week. Well, happy...January! The holidays are over, life for many of us may be settling into some sort of winter routine, the days are short (but getting longer!), and - hey? Guess what? God loves us!

That's the theme of the worship service series we began this past Sunday and will be continuing for several weeks. So for our "simple" worship service this coming Sunday, we'll celebrate God's love with our take on a traditional Love Feast from the Moravian Christian tradition. We'll share coffee and yummy, yummy Love Feast Buns, sing some hymns, and tell each other about times when we've felt loved by God. Join is at 10am at Jammin' Java!

May your days and nights be blessed by the God of love!

Mike Croghan

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Friday, January 2, 2009


December 29 through January 4

Happy New Year!

As we wind down from holiday travels and celebrations and begin to engage with the new year before us, we're following the lead of our All Ages Service Team and exploring the deceptively challenging topic, "God loves us" for the month of January. To lead things off, our Creative Team has an interactive and engaging experience waiting for you this Sunday morning at 10am at Jammin' Java.

Too, we'll be enacting our semi-regular first-Sunday-of-the-month book exchange that morning. This is your chance to lighten your shelves of books, and/or to pick up some new reading material. The only rule about it is that it is free: you're not required to bring a book, or to take a book, or to bring a book to take a book, or anything else. And the books don't have to be 'church' books, or 'Christian' books, or anything else-- just bring anything you'd like to share.

Wishing you many blessings in 2009,
Mike Stavlund

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