On The Table

The Weekly Announcement of Common Table Church

Friday, May 30, 2008


May 26 through June 1

Sorry for the long wait in posting this update, but our plans have been developing all week! Hope your (shortened) week has been enjoyable, and that you've had time to be out in this ridiculously delightful weather.

With a Psalm series planned for our Summer Sundays, we decided to open up June as a 'grab-bag' month, to make some room during the Pentecost season for a few random ideas that have been percolating around the church lately (if you've got one, mention it to someone, and we'll let you or someone else facilitate it!). A few of these ideas were coming along-- but not necessarily coming to fruition-- when, lo and behold (and just this afternoon!) Deanna got inspired to lead a service for this Sunday at 10am at Jammin' Java.

In it, Dee will do a bit of talking about the life and technique of the artist Park Seo-Bo, discuss some parallels to the life of a Christ-follower, and then all of us will spend some time practicing a facsimile of his art. It's all experimental and still coming together, so bring your self and your creativity, and we'll see what we can create together!

Mike Stavlund


Sunday, May 18, 2008


May 19th through 25th

Hi church,

For those keeping score at home - if you were bummed that you had to miss this past Sunday's worship service in the Anglican tradition, I have good news. Plans changed, and we'll be doing that service some time in June instead. (In place of the previously announced service, we shared a contemplative appendix to our series on St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, and, among other things, created this community response to that book of Scripture.)

As for this week, it's the fourth weekend of the month, and hence our monthly Service Worship weekend. It's also Memorial Day weekend, so we'll be gathering on Monday the 26th for a combined cookout / block party / woods and stream cleanup in the woodsy common area near Tina's and my house in Herndon. Here are the deets:

Please join us on Memorial Day, Monday, the 26th of May, starting at 2pm, for a combined "block party", Memorial Day cookout, and litter cleanup in our shared woods and stream (near the playgrounds). We'll grill hot dogs and hamburgers, share snacks and drinks, play some games, and spend a little time picking up the litter in our wooded common area.

You can find us at Mike and Tina's house (13337 Feldman Place, Herndon, VA) or in the common area near the playgrounds you'll see if you walk to the back of the parking lot and keep going. We'd love for you to contribute:

- Hot dogs, hamburgers, or other picnic foods or beverages.
- Paper plates, cups, or plastic ware.
- Trash bags to put litter in.
- Frisbees, balls or other toys for kids and kids that never grew up!

But if you can't, you're welcome to share ours!

Everyone is invited, including kids! Please come and enjoy good food and fun, get to know our neighbors, and help make our shared woods and stream cleaner and more beautiful!

* Rain or shine! (But if it's raining, we might cook inside.) *

And that's about all for this week. Take care, and may the wind of God's Spirit blow through you in this season of Pentecost.

Mike Croghan

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008


May 12th through 18th

Hey church,

This past Sunday was Pentecost, and in our joint service with Convergence and Holy Grounds felt like a beautiful and powerful release of the Spirit into our chaotic collaboration, and into the world through us, the people of God.

Now, we begin the season after Pentecost. Like the season between Christmas and Lent, this part of the Church year is often referred to as "Ordinary Time" - where "ordinary" refers to the numbered weeks, not to any humdrum quality of this season. (And who ever said that God isn't powerfully present in the "ordinary", anyway?) But in any case, I really prefer to think of this time as the season of Pentecost, a season which invites us to live in vibrant consciousness of the indwelling Spirit, who sends us out into the world together to share our gifts with reckless abandon.

Our first opportunity to do that this week will be at this Thursday's Karaoke Night at The Lamb Center (6:30 to 8pm). The Spirit is always present in these gatherings, as homeless guests and volunteers of every age (including kids) share their gifts in song, friendship, and prayer. It never fails to be a powerful experience, and powerfully fun, too!

In the Anglican Church calendar, the first Sunday in Pentecost is Trinity Sunday, the day when the church particularly celebrates the relational dance of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And we'll celebrate that dance together this Sunday as we negotiate the mambo of ancient liturgy in another of our occasional series on the faith traditions that formed us and that bless our community through us. This time we're exploring the Anglican/Episcopal tradition that provided much of the "DNA" for our church through its founding pastor, Doug Gray. Please join us at Jammin' Java at 10am.

Finally, just a heads up: next weekend, Memorial Day weekend, will also be our service-worship weekend for this month. So instead of gathering at Jammin' Java, we'll be out trying to bless our wider community. Specifically, you're all invited to a combination community woods-and-stream cleanup, block party, and Memorial Day weekend cookout at Tina's and my place in Herndon. We're inviting all our neighbors, and we'll spend some time together cleaning up the massive amounts of litter in the woodsy common area in our housing community. And then we'll eat, drink, and meet new friends. Look for details as soon as we figure them out!

And that's it for this week, I think. Keep your ears and heart open for the warm, rushing wind of the Spirit this season...I think it might be a wild one.

Mike Croghan

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Friday, May 9, 2008


May 5 through 11

In the topsy-turvy spirit of Pentecost, we're heading off the map this week. We won't be meeting at Jammin' Java in the morning, but we will be joining with our friends from Convergence and Holy Grounds at the worship lab at Convergence in Alexandria at 5pm (they have a helpful directions page, just scroll down). Child care will be available there, as well. It promises to be a great time of mass collaboration as we celebrate the somewhat chaotic coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2 with readings, music, drums, art, fire, and plenty of space for everyone's voice.

Next week, we'll be returning to Jammin' Java for another installment of our occasional series on Faith Traditions, as Mike Croghan will lead us through a high-church Anglican liturgy, complete with all of the fancy hand motions over the Eucharist elements. It promises to be a fascinating time as we see how CT's Anglican roots are represented in our weekly practices, as well as a chance to appreciate some traditions that we might sometimes neglect.

The week after that, our trusty GNU Team will once again welcome us to get out of our seats and take this stuff to the streets. More details to come soon, and remember that 'GNU' has references to 'open source,' so please bring the needs of friends and neighbors to one of the GNUbies so that we can all pitch in and serve them.

Mike Stavlund


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